30 April 2018

Demo Days

Bearing sledgehammers and power tools, we entered into Hubbard Home yesterday ready to take our spreadsheets and middle-of-the-night conversations to the walls. Before entering, Ben gently reminded me that “It always gets worse before it gets better.” I was hesitant that Hubbard had any margin to actually “get worse,” as the initial improvements from yesterday made it only look better! However, as we took down the panel board in the master bedroom to discover a painted bull on the wall complete with bullet marks through the horns, I realized that what lies behind the naked eye does in fact have the potential to get worse. Only moments after standing with arms crossed and puzzled looks in front of the bull, our neighbor Phyllis stopped in to tell us our former homeowner Old Man Turner actually housed 148 guns in that room. We are hoping that perhaps there are some stored in the walls that we will find for house renovation cash… but so far no luck.

After our discovery of Mr. Bull, it confirmed our decision to extend the master closet and flip the entrance to the bathroom from the hallway to the bedroom. These are thoughts we had originally tossed around, but because of our timeframe and funds, we didn’t know how deep we could go into the hole of fixer-upper. Let’s just say that Mr. Bull has brought me luck in providing the perfect set-up for a larger closet!

Upon buying this home, we knew it was an adventure of unknowns that would unfold as time moved forward. There was part of me that dreaded the renovation process because of the unknowns and the fear that everything will take much longer than expected – which pushes back our finish line, tardies our move-in date, which ultimately gets closer and closer to Baby Time. (Do you feel my blood pressure rising?!) However, as Ben hammered down beams, sawed off drywall, and crowbarred the built-ins, I realized how fun the process is to see unfold. Each piece of the demo makes it more exciting and makes the vision feel that much more attainable.

The process feels like chaos right now – it feels like a distant future we might never see. There is one remaining toilet in our home held together only by the beams and studs that surround its future home. When it feels impossible, I take a deep breath and remember to trust. I lean into Ben, my best teammate, and know that him and I are in it together. I am so grateful for his partnership and support – (and also his hunky demo vibes.) I would go anywhere with him and I’m so glad that this is where we are going together.

26 April 2018

The Third Tri

Truth be told, I have not embraced pregnancy the way I thought I would for most of the months. Beyond battling with the thought of “our whole life is about to change…” I dread the inevitable body shifting – stretch marks, veins, extra weight, swollen feet – that come with it. I fear getting so big that I waddle or never finding a comfortable sleep position or getting up every hour to use the bathroom or not fitting into any of my old clothes ever again… I have carried so much fear in what’s to come with the idea of perhaps I won’t ever return to my “normal self,” maybe this is just who I am now.

But there is something about the third trimester… a conversion that took place; an opening up to this new season with the release of my fists and the gaze of my eyes on the beauty through the sacrifice. While the first trimester was filled with shock and slight depression and the second trimester was consumed with questions and birth anxieties, the third trimester has been defined by hope and joy-filled anticipation. Opening up cute tiny things and generous gifts at my first baby shower on Saturday made the truth of this little life and the celebration for the arrival of our guy feel real. His daily tosses and turns are met with the thought of “I can’t wait to see who you are!” while my apprehensions regarding giving birth have been replaced with a newfound strength and confidence. I was made to do this! I feel alive in my body now more than I ever have before – a sense of awe with the empowerment of the female and wonder of God’s great gift of life. I am no longer convincing myself to feel these things that I think I am “supposed” to feel – I sense a rootedness from my mind to my heart – God’s presence, His joy, and the expectancy of all to come.

I no longer hide this giant secret inside or am given the questionable looks of “did she just eat a giant burrito?” Strangers smile on the street and ask me when I’m due; they tell me how wonderful it is to have children, and willingly unfold the stories of their own births. I realize that I am not alone – I join the chorus of women who have gone before me; there is an unspoken union bonding me to those I don’t know. The mutual understanding that takes place female to female saying “I get it. I’ve been there. It’s amazing. You can do it!” I am stepping into the true blessing of it all, the gift of life, and learning to surrender it all to God in the process.

I anticipate the magic of what’s to come – even though it is unknown and scary – I don’t feel afraid of it any longer. I don’t want to undo or cancel or pretend it’s not happening. The moment this baby enters the world will be even more beautiful because of the process of his growth inside of me. Isn’t that how life is? The “goal” is never truly about the goal; it is always and forever the process of getting there. And God has had me on a unique journey tailored only for me because of how He knows my deep needs – holding my hand, gently guiding me, and teaching me to look to Him through it all.

25 April 2018

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever

I do not claim to be anything close to a food blogger or food artist... But I do consider myself pretttty close to a chocolate chip cookie connoisseur. I have a go-to recipe that I have been using every since living with my dear friend Betsy - her secret? The oatmeal cookie recipe underneath the Quaker Oats box! In our home, these are termed The Betsy Cookies.

But yesterday, I saw my friend Esther post about this recipe... and my mouth started watering at work. I had no choice but to go home and make them.

And they might be my new favorite!!! The important thing about these cookies is to actually follow the directions (which is usually my problem with cooking...). The way the butter melts and the sugar is combined and the flaky grade of Kosher salt and the patience to refrigerate... it all adds up to making these cookies perfection.

Look no further - HERE it is!

Looking Back and Moving Forward

With the third trimester weeks seeming to fly by so fast, I have been getting more and more tears thinking of the moment Ben and I become a family of three. It seems that there are two focal moments in most women’s lives - her wedding day and the birth of her first child. Since as far back as I can remember, I have been curious about these two events – what they would look, feel, be like? In some ways I can predict what it will feel like to have a child – maybe like falling in love or the kind of heartache you feel when you care for someone even deeper than they can ever know. But in most ways, I have no idea what it will be like – that feeling of This is Our Family, this is Who We Are, We Are Now Three – and You Are The Human who has been inside me for nine months – You have been developing in there all along and now You exist in the outside world! I have always wanted to be a mom and have a family, and it feels surreal that this time is approaching so quickly.

Last night at our Community Group, I sat next to a college student as we chatted about her roommates and post-college goals and hopes for graduation. She mentioned that she has no idea what it’s like to not be a student – to be a working professional in the world “like me.” She mentioned how she wants to be mentored by people in different life stages – “older people in their 30’s.” I am the older girl in my 30’s, and yet it feels like yesterday I was sitting in her shoes… the blind 21-year-old filled with dreams of what life could look like and no idea how it would unfold. I forget that I am no longer that person. I remember looking at women in their 30’s with babies, thinking that life stage was so far away and would most likely never be near. It catches me off-guard when confronted with the reality that I am no longer who I used to be… the recent Baylor grad jetting off to Spain and wondering when my husband would come along. I have a husband and an expecting baby and now a house that we actually own… When and how did I encounter all these rare and beautiful gifts?!

In some ways I know that I will always be that girl – walking and writing her way through Spain, figuring out life in downtown Chicago, road-tripping across the country heading west – because it is what makes me who I am today and has formed my journey of transformation. In other ways, I am so deeply grateful I have shed so many layers of my old self, the fierce independence and shaming voice of perfection and rigid control of my time. Change is hard, but also so beautiful. I feel fulfilled, loved, and abundantly thankful for life exactly where it is in this moment – with all the mysteries and questions and unknowns that lie ahead. Life holds inevitable change providing an opportunity for growth as we reflect on who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

I love moments like these, causing me to look back on the journey and recognize God’s faithfulness and very near presence. Life rolls forward and carries on; but without reflection and remembrance it is void of a deeply thankful heart. I am so different now than I used to be… and sometimes I want to cling to who I was or re-create/long for those moments when everything felt perfect. But I know that it is in moving forward – one step at a time – that life offers even richer moments of joy and contentment.

As this little guy kicks inside me, I am reminded of how God forms life and offers new mercies every morning. It is day-by-day as we seek Him that our journey of transformation happens… it is the habits we create, the people we encounter, the focus of our thoughts, the commitments of our time, the spending of our money… it is in these seemingly overlooked moments that we are formed, that this child will be shaped, and that our family culture will be developed.

When I slide back into my nostalgic-sentimental-weepy self, Ben grounds me in the reminder that “it only gets better.” His words could not be more true… and looking back on life only proves it over and over and over again.

22 April 2018

The Calm, Right Now

To most accurately reference this slice of time, Ben and I have been using the saying "the calm before the storm"... because we know with closing, Demo Day, renovations, moving, and baby, it's all about to get completely crazy. As if it hasn't already ;) 

Since Ben gets back from Europe the day after we close, and we are on a strict 1-month deadline before moving in... the demo starts in a week. For this reason, we soaked in a slow morning in La Jolla yesterday, sipping iced coffee, eating pancakes, and walking on the beach. In these moments I often wonder if life gets any better... these minutes that seem to melt away under the footsteps in the sand and the panoramic beauty of cliffs and sea. Walking hand-in-hand with Benjamin, I am made safe - remembering that no matter what, we have each other. This is exactly what life is about. There's nowhere else to be and nothing more important in this time that I wish I could freeze forever.

I think about little baby (who we have nicknamed bbnize for now...) growing inside and I wonder what life will look like with him here. While I know so many of the obvious things will change - sleep, mainly - I wonder how the inside of me will change... how my heart will transform, what my thoughts will be about, and how my deeper desires and passions may alter. Those are the changes that seem more unpredictable; the ones I can only know as I walk through it. 

I also wonder how much of life will continue to feel strangely unchanged. There have to be aspects of each day that fall back into normal routine, right?! So many new moms focus on the things that seem so different, but what about those that stay the same? I might be experiencing a major identity and role shift, but I'll still be me, right?! 

It will be an interesting course to walk this next month - in the predictable lies the unpredictable; in the fear lies the growth; and in the questions lie the journey. Even though my dreams circle around re-tiling bathrooms and open-shelving, I will attempt to soak in the minutes of calm that I can steal before life feels like more of a storm. As we continue to learn, it is through the rain that we experience His glory; even when it's not our plan, we would still choose the rain knowing the richness of unexpected joy that lies within it.

20 April 2018

Fear of the Unknown

I have arrived at the realization that it is not Change I fear, it is the Unknown. After a phone call from Ben yesterday regarding possible pipe malfunctioning underneath our Hubbard Home, it felt like my dreams of subway tile and wood floors were a distant faraway fantasy, unattainable and definitely costlier. The feeling of “what else is there that we don’t know about and can’t see?” slipped into my head with every circumstance - will we not have water or electricity… will we tear down a wall and have the whole house cave in? What if we are walking into a money pit that cannot be saved by paint and wood floors alone?!

And then returning to our perfect little newlywed home on Adams Ave, where the coffeeshop is on the corner and the park is a 5-minute walk away… it felt foolish that we would want to leave this life. It felt silly that we would step into a heap of unchartered territory only months before navigating even more unknowns with our first baby… I longed to return to the free feeling of a renter who can leave at any minute and not be held responsible for the breaks in plumbing.

The question of “Is this really the right decision right now?!” circled in and out of my thoughts. How do we know we are doing the right thing? Should I feel more excited and less stressed?

But when we listed out the Pros and Cons on paper (as Ben patiently sat with me, listened, and loved me through all the sobs…), it was obvious that the reasons we would choose to stay in our Idaho Home are because we know it. It’s familiar, it’s comfortable, and it’s Us right now. The reasons we fear moving are not just the pipes – but the unknowns we will encounter along the way. I doubt my capabilities and I doubt my own resilience to stand up to a mountain of tasks and achieve what I thought couldn’t be done. I want to avoid the process and arrive at the end result – stepping into a perfectly re-done home that turns from rags to riches overnight to complete the vision I saw the day I stepped into Hubbard Home. But it takes work along the way; work that will inevitably grow and strengthen us because of the Unknowns, not in spite of them.

Can I trust that God is present with us there as He is here? Do I truly know that no matter what, He will provide for us; that He is ultimately guiding our steps and writing our story?

Like our Hubbard Home, there is a lifetime in front of us filled with questions and unknowns. Entering into marriage meant saying yes to the mysteries that come our way, knowing that we are in it together as a team and at the end of the day, that is Enough. Ben and I, relying on one another, looking to Christ, knowing that His Promises are always true, good, and For Us. Yes, we are stepping into this home blind to what we will find, but isn’t that life?! While I want to cling to the predictability and routine, the better part of me knows that the journey is always worth it – its mountains and valleys transforming me and rooting my identity further into who God has made me to be.

We step into this new season with hopeful hearts; whatever we find along the way will build us, not tear us apart. It won’t always adhere to our plan or work out our way, and that is something I need to surrender. Like the rain on our wedding day, somehow God always makes what feels like The Worst Thing Ever into the most incredible gift.

It seems to be a lesson I need to learn and re-learn – and will continue to learn every day… especially in the next few months! God is humbling me and refining me; He is making me more like Him in showing me how to open my hands and ask for His guidance. It seems to be a process through which I will never fully arrive; and maybe that’s the whole point.

16 April 2018

Are We Crazy?!

For purchasing a home [7 months pregnant] that has...

Bathrooms like this....
And this...

A yard like this...

Lighting fixtures like this...

Carpet like this...

Walls like this...

BUT - a backyard canyon view like THIS!

We might be...

But I guess time will tell! It's the risk you take as a first time homeowner. We have no idea what we are signing up for - we have no idea what we will find behind the holes in the walls - but we know that no matter what, we are in it together. It will be a project and it will be a whole new adventure. And that is the thrill of it all!

Weekend Babymoon

There are moments lately where I want to freeze time and force it to stand still forever. In this third trimester, we feel the push and pull of the In-Between even greater; anticipation for all to come as a family of three, while simultaneously trying to cherish the time we have left Just Us.

After a Saturday morning of coffee and beach with friends, we headed up north to the Park Hyatt Aviara for a 1-night getaway. The Park Hyatt is special for us because we have gone each year since we have known each other – and we even stayed there on our wedding night! With the lush green foliage and swaying palms, the Park Hyatt is nothing short of a slice of Hawaii. Over and over again we find ourselves saying that we are so thankful to live in a place where we can vacation (also – that’s why we pay the price to live here!). We fall more and more in love with San Diego every day – it never seems to get old!

And there is something about being away with Benjamin that is so so special. Even if it is only 40 miles north of where we live - for just one night - these times together are ones that grow us in adventure, intentionality, laughter, intimacy, and gratitude. I am more and more aware of the ways that Ben is completely perfect for me – not perfect of course (nobody is!), but perfect for me. I am amazed that I get to walk life with him. He is the man I have prayed for all my life, and it still feels like a dream that he’s here beside me. All those years of waiting were worth it x1000000. If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing – that would be it. It’s always worth the wait.

Hotel Life

29 weeks!

This place is heaven.

10 April 2018

Am I Enough?

Ever since I can remember, the sneaky critical question of “Am I enough?” has churned in my brain. It infuses so many small and large decisions… sometimes it debilitates me and fogs my brain when I have to take a step forward or back. I doubt my capacities and fear that perhaps I am not equipped for whatever is coming in the future.

While I reflect and seek counsel and spend time in prayer, I have come to understand this voice. I sense when it’s there and I try to remember God’s truth. Lately, with this little guy growing inside me, I feel this familiar question circling back to me again. Am I giving my best right now? Am I a good wife and daughter and friend and soon-to-be mother? Am I going to be good at moving and having a baby all at once? Am I eating healthy enough food that is going to grow this child? What if I’m not? Am I ruining his life? Will I be good at this mothering thing… even before I am really a Mother? And then: What if I’m not good enough to do any of this to begin with?!

The newest song from Sleeping At Last about the Enneagram Three (The Achiever) has put so many words to my thoughts rising to the surface. In the headlong rush to achieve what I feel will make me more valuable, I often become alienated from myself so that I forget who I am – I forget my true feelings and interests and core values. I become dependent on receiving praise from others based on the values that I think will bring reward. In this process, I lose touch with myself. My “heart’s desire” is left behind in the fluster of action, achievement, and making everything I touch be successful. I forget what I want and I am unable to confidently move forward into any of it – which makes me shut down, doubt, and want to leave it all behind.

Today, God reminded me of Phil 1:6: “And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

As I strive to be recognized, to be a higher achiever, to be appreciated as “the best” in everything I do, I remember that God is actually the one doing the work – not me. HE began the work and HE brings it to completion. It is not based on my efforts or my version of success or being good enough to be loved and accepted – He reminds me that I already am. He began the work in my life and He will continue to refine it. Also, He is with me in the process and will never lead me anywhere He won’t provide.

09 April 2018

There is something about moving to a new home that brings a new form of excitement and curiosity and wonder.

While I often find myself lost in daydreams of open shelving and hanging light fixtures, I am also in a new place of embracing the ingress of a new season. Moving inevitably entails a life change – a prompting to begin again and an ushering into a new season. Merging our lives together on Adams Ave last year naturally precipitated the season of marriage. As we settled into new routines together - seeking out the perfect pieces on OfferUp, constructing a kitchen nook, installing a projector - it made our lives as One feel real. It wasn’t perfect right away, but the physical process of making a Home together mirrored our lives intertwining as a team.

It feels right to be moving alongside stepping into motherhood - into a home that is really Ours; knowing that we can settle into it with years there together. I sense a renewed anticipation for our baby boy’s entrance to the world, a feeling of “We are doing this for you and we can’t wait for you to make Our Home complete!”

While there will certainly be waves of stress that come with renovating a home and getting everything ready for the baby while eight months pregnant (ie: asking Ben to get everything ready for the baby…), I also know that it is not completely on my shoulders. This weekend, Ben and I strolled through Home Depot, analyzing baseboards and flush handles and shower hardware… together we found that it’s actually more fun than stressful. We have such a privilege to be in a position to get to do these things together!

While it might feel like chaos in May (the people have forewarned us…), it is the kind of transition that is good practice to undergo when ushering in a deep sense of Change. When multiple changes happen at once, each synchronous change tends to feel just slightly more habitual. Of course, I rely on my mom and her love of all things projects in this season, as well! Not quite sure what I would do without family… feeling a new profundity of gratitude each day before our little one arrives.

05 April 2018

My Mantra

Entering the third trimester, I have taken a deep dive into the world of Birthing- podcasts, research, books, talks with friends… etc. I recently listened to a podcast where a woman stated her birth affirmation: “We can do hard things.” How true! We are made to prevail against difficulty, to rise up to the challenge, to be given the grace to go through situations we thought we could never endure. We CAN do hard things and we were made to walk through them to the other side; to look back and say “That was HARD, but I did it.”

The three words I hope to experience giving birth are: confident, peaceful, empowered. I want to sense the feeling: “YES, I CAN do this. My body is working perfectly the way it was designed for this very moment. I was made for this!”

I believe the birth experience is something to be lived into, not avoided. It is meant to be fully experienced, not numbed. Each woman who gives birth is my hero, however the baby comes. I support every woman who chooses her own Birth Story, wherever that might lead. For me, my sense of empowerment comes from working with my pain, knowing that there is a difference between pain and suffering.

I want to carry the birth experience into my life (uhhh parenting?!) -- knowing that if I made it through birth, I can truly make it through anything. There is a curiosity and a mystery here; one that I look almost look forward to.
We can do hard things!


Historically, I have tried to avoid Good Friday services. Walking into the Good Friday service last week, I told Ben: “I don’t like Good Friday services, they are always so morose and sad.” The truth is, I avoid the feeling of sadness when I can… a burdened and heavy heart is something I tend to talk myself out of and move past with the lightness of positivity. I try not to cry because the weight of tears makes me feel helpless and scared. It brings up feelings that I try to ignore and reveals that maybe I’m not as strong as I thought I was.

Since my natural predisposition is to stifle out grief, Good Friday services are a healthy discipline to show me the value of lamenting. Celebration can’t take place without mourning; the Risen King doesn’t exist without the grave; the weeping and dancing work together in rhythm; the grief and joy are a natural relationship.

Lately, in moving towards our Hubbard Home, I have felt the weight of moving away from one season and into the next. Our Idaho Street Home is our first home together - and I love it. The 1920’s charm, grand stone fireplace, black-and-white checkered floor – this home struck me the moment we stepped into it. We have built memories in this home - pancake Saturdays, cheeseboards on the porch, movie nights, hosting friends, fireside games - that have served as the foundation of our marriage. To leave this home feels like we are walking away from our life as Newlyweds. Strolling down to our favorite Trolley Barn Park for a picnic or Meraki for coffee or Tajima for Ramen… nothing beats our favorite neighborhood eats, walks, and hangs.

The move to Clairemont feels like a loss of these memories. Our free and easy life of newlyweds seems forgotten amidst the responsibilities of parenthood + homeownership. Is it wise to manage a new home, a move, a mortgage, and a baby all at the same time?! These thoughts put me in panic mode and cause me to go down a trail led by anxiety alone.

Weeping on the couch last night, I was reminded that sadness doesn’t mean the decision is wrong; I have to grieve what I am leaving behind in order to step into what lies ahead. There are unknowns, questions, and scary parts of this journey that make me want to run back to what I know – where it feels safe and stable. But the truth is, it is through these seasons that growth and refinement happen. It feels right and good to enter into a new home for a new season of becoming a family. It also feels terrifying, but that’s okay. I can acknowledge the fear and move forward into it; because that’s what it takes to have courage.

There is always a point in the Rebe Decision-Making Process that I look back and question what I’m leaving behind. I doubt everything and it feels like what I’m stepping into is the wrong decision. What I’m learning is that this is a healthy component of decision-making. It causes me to reflect and forces me to grieve. Instead of jumping in headfirst, I take these moments to be sad in order to remember the beauty of what is left behind. This is the only way to experience the fullness of joy on the other side.

When I look back at the major decisions I have made in life – choosing Baylor, moving to Chicago, teaching in Spain, walking the Camino (twice…), living in Portland, moving to San Diego, dating Ben, quitting my job, starting at PLNU… I can point out a mark in each of these decisions where I wanted to turn back and settle into the familiar instead of navigate the questions. There were days where I thought maybe I ruined my life, causing a cascade of angst and overwhelming distress.
The truth is, each of these decisions was the exact right decision for me. Each of them led me into something even greater that I never could’ve predicted. Each of these decisions ushered in a turning point in my journey that matured and rooted me into my identity.

Decisions also feel so much less scary with Ben beside me as my best teammate. God gave me THEE most patient, loving, level-headed, consistent man. He knew I needed someone stable, who would sit with me in my fears and love me in them. As I poured out my heart and my doubts and my setbacks last night, there was Ben – with his kind eyes peering into mine, listening with such patience and love that comes only from a deeply committed and intimate relationship. I know that together, nothing is too much for us. Together, we are the best team. Stepping into this house will bring its host of unknowns (what lies behind those walls we are knocking down?!) – but I wouldn’t choose anyone else to stand beside me in it with the laughter and dedication only Ben can bring.

It’s going to be an adventure together, and that’s what I look forward to most. We are going to make this home OURS, and I can’t wait for every step along the way. I want to remember to value the process over perfection; and the journey over the destination. This is a constant discipline and one that will grow us closer to one another and forever be a part of our story.
