30 May 2015

Every Day Thoughts.

I've been "quiet on my blog lately," as my Uncle lovingly reminds me when there are blocks of space between posts. I suppose I am still picking up the pieces of not-yet-graduated, done-with-teaching, what's-my-next-step reflections hoping they will pull my life in some sort of direction. The Right Choice is impossible and the Options are overwhelming. A familiar feeling of doubt returns as I consider this looming future, reminding me of finishing Baylor in 2008, stepping into a world of unknowns. This time around I have a few years of counseling and clearer sense of self under my belt, propelling me forward in a subject area in which I have experience, gifts, and passion. And yet, that doesn't seem to be enough.

I want to live inspired and challenged through my work; I want to connect with others and tell stories; I want to work in a creative environment that pushes me to consider life outside the box; I want to soak in the goodness and delight each day has to offer; I want to do life alongside the ones I love.

Does this combination exist??! Sometimes it feels hopeless. What do I do in the meantime?!
(See how I get stuck?!)

Said goodbye to these little ones this past week!
Happy Summer :)
