29 August 2010

It's Simple...?

"My biggest takeaway so far is the concept of wanting what you have versus having what you want." - Stephen Riley
The idea of living on "6 items or less" appeared in the Trib this morning, as a group of people, nicknamed "Sixers," have set out to fight American consumerism in the form of wearing what you have, and decreasing the desire for more.

This resonates with me for a number of reasons.


After a recent return from an involuntary mix&match - redesign - be creative mindset while abroad, I am now faced with a new challenge: overcoming the expectations and pressure of the States to own the newest&greatest _________.

{The layer life}

(After giving up the '92 Acura and 5-year-old cell, this can prove to be more challenging than originally intended...)

When I think back to my time in Europe, America tricks me into believing it was barely possible: 1.5 suitcases, (and only a backpack on the majority of weeks), a level of material desire at a low, no cell or comp...?!

Admitted: at times a feeling of disconnect ensued, but had my level of "happiness" dropped?

{Scarf gone turban. Because... why not.}
No. But why?

Because you learn to love what you have, make it work, and even give yourself a pat-on-the-back for doing so. Otherwise, at what point are you content with what you own, and not living in want of what you don't have...?

A new happiness that occurred while abroad was in part owed to being forced to live simply. And seeing that it not only works, but is the only way to live. Among the many reasons for why I want to go back, this is definitely one of them.

"It taught me I need far less than I have or think I need." - Riley

I realize that living simply can be simple. It just takes some effort to make it a lifestyle.

26 August 2010


{January 2005:} polos&pearls.
{August 2010:} lace&stripes.
{5 years later. we've come a long way... and there's more to come!}
my dear friendship blessing, Happy 25!

22 August 2010


"Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me."
John 15.4

To remain... that can be difficult.

But - as always - I am learning to hear & trust. When things seems blurry, there is purpose and a plan. Okay, so I miss Spain. I miss the daily adventure. I miss speaking Spanish. I miss not having a clue.

But there's a life for me in Chicago...
I know it's true. I've heard it a million times.

starting: now.

19 August 2010

There She Goes.

"your steadfast love and your faithfulness will ever preserve me."
psalm 40.11

Scotland doesn't know how lucky it is.

08 August 2010


Doesn't get better than a cupcake and a bestie...

Something about the timing of my birthday falling perfectly in sync with the coming school year, has often made it more meaningful to me than New Years. (Or maybe I'm just a born-to-be teacher...?)

Either way, after spending some time in Europe, deciding to take a job in Chicago, and feeling the midpoint of this transition, I have just a few birthday wishes:

Be thoughful. Be decisive. Be confident. Encourage. Love. Live in community. Enjoy the season. Develop my interests. Be life-focused, never $-focused. Find an outlet. Do something exotic. Find Life in the everyday.

Though 24 loses an element of the young/vagabond feel of 23, I'm getting used to it.

And - in case it's important - 24 hrs into 24 I can successfully report that I do indeed feel older.
