24 August 2009

For My Travels.

I have always loved documenting moments - whether in writing or photos, illegible scribbles or fragments of ticket stubs. I could travel on nothing but a pen, paper, and camera if I had to... [clothing is overrated...?] In this way, I have sought out the essentials before I leave.

I discovered this gem at an antique store in KC. I realize that it has the potential to undermine my quest to travel light, so it might not make the cut. Sigh. Someday it will contain my records, I'm sure.

{'Record' - the noun or the verb? You decide.}

{Spain on my mind}

{and, a new digi cam! as a bday present for the 2-3.}

22 August 2009


It could be her best yet.

11 August 2009

Los Bebés.

I stole these photos from the Colegio los puentes website - the Spanish school I will be teaching at this year. I am going to try not to accidentally adopt one... I mean, does it get much cuter??!

{ages 3 - 4}
{on a field trip to the harbor.}
{happy smiles}

09 August 2009

Why Spain?

"I never saw a moor, I never saw the sea;
yet know I how the heather looks,
and what a wave must be.
I never spoke with god,
nor visited in heaven;
yet certain am I of the spot
as if the chart were given."
-Emily Dickinson
In reading this for the first time, I knew I had to go to Spain.

It is that feeling of recognizing that which we have never experienced or seen... that place in us that does not require explanation, proof, evidence for decisions and desires. It is uniquely there, and wills us toward confirming what we already hold as true.

I have never been to spain, but I approach it with a sense of familiarity, as if I have been going my whole life. The heart of this adventure lies in the process of the past few years - studying education, student teaching in London, graduating from Baylor, substitute teaching and living at home - all the dreaming & wondering, the planning and searching, the.lists [endless], the reading, the networking, and the saving. The unknowns are the sum of the adventure.

please, join me!
