29 December 2010

Happy 80th!

To the man, the legend, the legacy: My Papa.

Happy birthday to you!

On Sunday, my mom + aunt + uncle threw a classy 80th gala for my dear Papa. The week before the party, my brothers and I uncovered pieces of my papa's life, and fit them together in a short film. (Mikey is still working on getting it online... but it will be posted soon!)

Papa has lived a remarkable life. He is a man of honor, integrity, and character. I don't know where I would be or who I would be without him. His whole life he has worked from the ground up, and has developed an appreciation for daily living that I hope to have someday. Above all, he loves his family - and gives to us beyond what we deserve.

My Uncle Johnny MC'ed the night.
My Family.
Papa and his grandchildren.

I will never forget sitting in my Papa's car before I left for Spain, with all the different nerves/questions/ excitement, he looked me in the eye and said: "Rebecca. You have nothing to worry about. Papa will always take care of you." Those short truths sunk deep in my soul, bringing me to an even deeper understanding of God's love and provision for me. 

I love my Papa so much - both the one on earth and in heaven!

Papa loves being a Great-Grandpa!

Visions of Christmas.

Homemade centerpieces.

my fave.

In the past, I have allowed the magic of Christmas to fade with the reality of Santa... with the lack of surprise presents... and with the pending finale to my favorite season. But this year, my heart was filled with the mystery, glory, and childlike wonder of Christmas with a wave of needed refreshment to my spirit. The majestic story of who He is came alive, and I feel equipped for the new year.

my mom made me this stocking when i was born.
those christmas lights...

I feel like I am stepping into a season of pure joy, which stems from a season of endless questions and frustrations. Since returning from Spain, I've thrown myself into opportunities to make a life in Chicago. Most of the time I trusted that Chicago was right for me, but it's hard not to wonder what life would look like if I had stayed abroad. In the past few weeks, He has spoken truth into every fear, and the doubts have fled. I am here. This is now. It is good. Go.

snowy backyard wagon.

two ornaments for 2010: 1. teaching 2. travel

I'll remember this break as driving in blizzards, midnight sledding, jorts + onesie gifts, baking in the kitchen, Gregory Allan, flannel, gummy runs, Christmas movie marathons, gift exchanges, holiday cookies, Papa's 80th birthday, filming a video, photos in the snow, family outings, good wine, peppermint mochas, reading by the fire, DIY projects and.... moving to the city!

my new hobby: watercolor painting.
sweet brothers. they're the best.
mikey's in a tree.
2011 is going to be a good year.

24 December 2010

He Shall Be Called.

"Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 
:: Isaiah 9:6

"Names tell stories, most of all the name which is above all other names, the name of Jesus.  In his name I am called to live.  His name has to become my house, my dwelling place, my refuge, my ark.  His name has to start telling the story of being born, growing up, growing old, and dying - revealing a God who loved us so much that he sent his only child to us." 
:: Henri J. M. Nouwen
"Advent and Christmas"

19 December 2010


 "Francie sat on a chair and was surprised that it felt the same as it had on Lorimer Street.  She felt different.  Why didn't the chair feel different?"

:: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Ch.15)

17 December 2010

City Dwelling.

It's finally happening.
I signed the lease thinking about how long I've dreamt of a life here.
City living.

No matter how perfect or imperfect things usually work out,
my general stance is that I can learn to love anywhere I am.
Just knowing that it feels right, makes the imperfect worth it.

My city move was dependent on a roomie search + apt search.
2 sweet&wonderful roomies. In a cozy 2nd floor brownstone.
What's not to love. 
His provision fascinates me time and time again.
He gives beyond what I deserve.

our snowy street.
"For Rent" sign needs to come down...
1230 ready.

14 December 2010


But really, what is this season all about???
bow fixing.
Christmas time is here.

13 December 2010

Teaching the Season

When you teach little ones, it's hard not to catch the childlike joy this season holds. 

At three years old, children are the first to tell you the themes that come to their little minds when they think of Christmas: songs, stockings, presents, Christmas trees, ornaments, cookies, lights, etc. Their faces light up for anything Christmas. 

This year, the season has been especially meaningful in my classroom, as we learn about the Christmas story. The story of baby Jesus speaks to the hearts of the children. I think they have a unique connection to Christmas as children, as our King entered the world as a humble child, not a righteous and mighty King on a throne.

Because of my experience teaching these little ones, this year the story has spoken to my heart in a new way. Isn't it fascinating how an age old story can carry new meaning each season...?

Mick's holiday speciality: gingerbread cookies.

The kids wrote (/told) gingerbread stories and decorated their gingerbread man.

11 December 2010

Christmas Lights.

For the record... credo elvem etiam vivere = I believe Elvis lives.
I guess it's a season about believing anything can happen.
Thank you, Coldplay.

*Also, Mikey - my film digital media tv photoshop hd-movie major - recently informed me that this vid was shot all in one shoot (without cuts), similar to the Beetles' All You Need is Love vid. Impressive and brilliant. Coldplay - you would.

10 December 2010

'Tis the Season

Last weekend some friends and I embraced the holiday spirit with hot wine in boots and apple strudel at the famous Christkindlmarket downtown. Jackie and I sipped our holiday mulled drinks as we sang along with [self-proclaimed] carolers and shopped the German market. We were transplanted back to Europe, when life was simple and sweet. If you recall - on Thanksgiving last year, Jackie showed up in my little Spanish piso right as my stuffed chicken came out of the oven... I will never forget the comfort of her encouragement and dear friendship on that day. The German market reminded us of our memories... friendship, thankful hearts, and the joy He gives us in the season.

Maybe this is the real reason for the season: hot wine. :-)

milka chocolate does exist in America. who knew. our nation really does have everything.

Jackie was a model in her past life.

chunky sweaters and hot chocolate.

post-market: a stop at Hot Chocolate in Wicker Park.

Hello Morning.

When it's 6:30am and you're sitting in traffic, sometimes it's hard to notice beauty. An easy go-to train of thought might be wonderings about the day, to-do's, places to be...

iphone captured photo mid morning commute. When I want to smile, I look at the sky.
But it's the only time of day the world sleeps, hushed and silent. why let it fall to waste on questions that have yet to take hold in reality...? Though my natural response is to hate the onset of Chicago cold, morning helps me be thankful for a warm house. I find myself allowing the morning to break through sleepy eyes and wake my spirit to the brink of a new beginning. The anticipation of the day's events to be a delight, rather than a burden. To let hope seep into my mind and soul, the truth of "anything could happen today" permeate a renewed perspective. To watch light conquer night, and the city to be awakened once again.

As I live in the in-between time on the cusp of my city move, I realize my morning commute is soon to be over. Perhaps the very reason I am moving will become the thing I miss most. Or perhaps I'll appreciate the morning more once I approach it with more sleep... Either way, I am learning to conjure a present appreciation for mornings instead of speeding past them and into the day.

01 December 2010

Twine Tied Tree

Sally's first tree pick-up

it's a twine tied christmas.

safely home.
i love our tree. i love christmas. this time of year is my fave.
Happy holiday season!

26 November 2010

Giving Thanks

From near & far: the cousins were reunited over turkey and potatoes. Life doesn't get better.
My heart overflows with thanks in this season, when my brothers are home and my family is together. Oh I am so thankful!

This season for: Provision, Protection, and Promises.

Provision: God is always faithful - This year to provide me with a job, forever deepening friendships, a loving family, a [potential] apt in the city with encouraging roomies, and a plan beyond what I can see.

Protection: He is with me, covers me, and keeps me close to His hand.

Promises: I stand upon the truths He has spoken over my life, even when it seems unclear. He is good.

Thank you.

25 November 2010

Puzzle Pieces.

my cute little students.
All the questions and wonderings are starting to fit together like a puzzle. He makes it so clear to me that His plans are higher than mine. That I can hope and dream, but He orchestrates and fits. I never could've expected life to look the way it does now.... It almost always looks different from my expectations. And it's always, always better.

17 November 2010

Well Done.

Normally I don't open emails from random listserves I've found myself registered on... but today Anthro's email subject read: "for slumber and wonder seekers"....

I guess they know how to get my attention.

{photo via elizabethsarah}

15 November 2010

Fall is.

halloween fun.
life on hooks.

dinner parties with friends.


decor from outdoors.

warm mugs.

pumpkin treats.

boots + socks.

(pumpkin anything.)

homemade chicken soup.


cute couples.
 Soaking up everything fall until December arrives.
