28 April 2010

My Sea

My friend Luis won a contest for this vid on Santander. It's a great glimpse at what I walk&see everyday :)

New Tunes.

Since my hardrive fail, so many friends&fam have been faithfully sending me new music, and I.could.not.be.more.thankful.

It is my favorite thing ever to open my inbox to a new song attachment...
Or to receive a package in the mail with a new CD.
It evokes a certain anticipation -a thrill -knowing that person chose it specifically for you. Then putting it on my pod and listening to it for the very first time.

Whether it's just one song, or an entire line-up, you never forget your initial, unconscious reaction to the new tune. It will always linger within that song.
It's incredible- even after onehundredmilliontimes of listening to it there is always that instinctive association.

Thank you!!! It blesses me. It is lifechanging.

Current indulgences: the new albs from Local Natives and Bird & The Bee - (specifically: this & this)

26 April 2010

So This One Time...

Larry visited me in Spain.

Though he only speaks "un poquito" of Spanish, somehow he survived. (But only with my translating help...)

{We took a visit to Basque Country where Larry attempted to be a Local.}
{He's a Tourist. So he read up on Spain while I was at "work"}
{We took photos in the Guggenheim. Which apparently is illegal. This is us: caught.}
{Notice the military service in the background. Larry looks foreign. Good thing he had his passport.}
{He thanked me with scooby snacks from the states. And now he is welcome back anytime.}

24 April 2010

Spring Sprung Spain.

"If we are children of God, we have a tremendous treasure in Nature. In every wind that blows, in every night & day of the year, in every sign of the sky, in every blossoming & in every withering of the earth, there is a real coming of God to us if we will simply use our starved imagination to realize it."

- Oswald Chambers.

21 April 2010

This One is Called

"Return From Spain"

I'll decide if it's an appropriate title soon.

In the Garden

{Monet - Water Lilies}

During my accidental sojourn in Madrid due to the volcanic ash cloud - I stumbled upon an art exhibit that appeared interesting.

And after finding it was free, it became all the more intriguing.

While usually I peruse museums with a focus on gaining info from the tiles to the side of the paintings (admitted), this exhibit was unique in that the meaning of each painting hinged upon the form of the prior, forcing the audience to focus on the Form, instead of
the Thought behind the Form.

I've always known and enjoyed the work of Monet. But what I didn't know was that his abstract expressionism was almost completely forgotten in the early 1950's, at which point there was a revival by followers who imitated his tendencies - "Monet Concepts" - effects of light, reflections and transparencies, contrasts of forms, etc. These now appear in most avenues of art and modern forms. Because this exhibit was arranged so that Monet's paintings were juxtaposed with works by his successors in abstraction, it drew clear attention {Monet - Willow Tree}
to parallels in the works.

This criss-cross of artists
allowed one to see the link of Monet's aesthetics interpreted and included within a whole new style.

This spoke to me.

Though a work may appear purely original, what I found brilliant in this exhibit was the idea that each work includes an aspect of someone else's, to form a completely new experience.
Every "original thought" is linked back to an earlier "original thought", deeming nothing wholly&completely "original"...
while at the same time, exploring a new wavelength, heightened concept, deepened view of the original idea.

{Joan Mitchell - Linden Tree}
Another thought: the Influence each person has on the next.
When Monet created his "Water Lillies" or "Charing Cross Bridge," he wasn't aware of what he was bringing to the art world. Or that a new art movement would spring forth. And now, threads of him lie in most avenues of art.

Whether we admit it or not, we are a collection of others. A passing comment, word of advice, look from a stranger. Quote from a book, best friendship... worst enemy.
This is how we are built.

And I think it is wonderful.

{Mark Rothko - Untitled}

19 April 2010

A 10 Euro Flight

to Valencia.
was not just a 10 euro flight to Valencia.

4 visited cities. 3 night buses. 2 extra days.
Thank you Iceland. and your Volcanic ways.

14 April 2010


if you're not sure what you're seeing here... no worries, it's just Easter in Spain.

Fake Spaniard.

In my 5 min trot across the street to where I'm met by the teacher carpool each morning, I have been stopped each morning this week for something different. Monday for directions. Tuesday for a train schedule. And this morning I was mistaken for someone else...
I've been here so long that maybe I'm starting to blend in?
Or perhaps I just need to be forced into more Spanish conversations. Hmmm.

12 April 2010


I will tell tales of the time my Mom came to visit me in Spain...

A reunion in the airport, a mixture of smiles & tears...
opening a suitcase filled with all the food I've missed from the USA.
Stories of walks on the beach and being caught in the rain,
of stumbling upon markets and purchasing scarves.
Visiting at all the cafes I've always walked by, and never could afford.
Eating tapas and Menu del Dia's until full on wine and desserts.
Staying at a family run B&B on the island of Somo,
Tea and cards and photos of blooming flowers in the garden.
Collecting shells by the sea, and falling asleep in the sand.
Travel by boat, train, car, bus, and plane...
Old villages, scenic mountains, Euro life.
Napping on a bench outside the Palace of Madrid.
Cooking meals together, movie nights, and playing games,
Conversations about culture, life, language, and options for next year...

I will smile at the memory of it all.

And feel like maybe it was all a dream...

11 April 2010

To My Loves.

bday signs. cuppeycakes. numa songs.
birthday neighbs.
the sundeck. cameron campfire.
El Paso... San D...
breakfast burritos and moomoos.
90's dance parties. photos.
micks' cookies. and lots of cake.

so many memories.
this weekend will always be yours.
you are loved so very much!
i can't imagine doing life without you.
you have made me who i am.
today i am celebrating YOU!
happy 24 lovies!!!
