24 July 2011

They Remind Me

"Life is not about toning down 
& repressing your God-given life force.
It's about channeling it & focusing it 
& turning it loose on something beautiful"
:: Rob Bell [Sex God, 83]

21 July 2011

"If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!" :: J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)

Camp Counselor Mikey
As the youngest in our fam, Mikey has always been known to make us laugh with his stories, impersonations, and childlike nature. In the past few years, I have seen his playful side merge with deep wisdom rooted in knowing, believing, and following Him no matter what.... I guess it only makes sense that he's been a camp counselor for 2 summers and wants to be a youth pastor at some point in life. He might never have to grow-up, after all ;)

In a few short weeks, Daniel and I are headed west to pick-up Mikey from Camp T in Estes Park, CO where he's been all summer radically changing lives of little campers. Every time I talk with Mikey, he gives me a new glimpse at believing bigger, dreaming for more, and trusting God's whole picture for our lives. Driving west, road trip with brothers, adventuring in the mountains... it will be the perfect way to end the summer.

Check out what Mikey's been working on at camp here.

20 July 2011

in You.

"You made us for Yourself,
and our hearts 
find no peace
until they rest
in You."

:: St. Augustine


Plant, Grow

There's something special created when you watch one another plant and grow in a place over time. I've walked with these lovelies since high school - and this summer has brought many more memories in this city. 

It was an afternoon treat to sit with them in the park yesterday on their work break... I was reminded of how much life we've lived since 2002, and what a blessing it is to be back in the same place. I am blessed by Jackie and Brigid; inspired & encouraged by the ways they are planting and growing in this city. 

18 July 2011


For 25... New eyes!
The Doctor's words pre-Lasik: 
"Is that your brother with you? 
That means you're 50% less nervous 
than the rest of the people in that room."
He was right.
I don't think I could have done it without Daniel.
So thankful to have my brother by my side,
to notice our sight getting better day-by-day...
The experience is so much more enjoyable as we celebrate together.

We only have a Before photo... we'll leave the After to the moment. 
Last moment with glasses.
(um, minus the fake ones.)
Never felt better.
So, here's to vision!
Mikey's next...


12 July 2011

Sacred Space

summer porch.
"He should be one with whom we seek audience, 
a place we long to be in, 
a river we seek to wash in, 
a canyon we want to get lost in.
He speaks in gentle whispers."
:: Veneer 126

09 July 2011

Today's the Day

After a summer of tandem rides, beach moments, grassy knolls, hoorahs, hammock naps...
wedding prep...
good bridal advice....

and other wedding dance parties and observations...

it's time for my little Kate to be a bride!!!!

(bachelorette party dress-up)

I am so excited for her & Jordan. Can't wait for today's festivities!

07 July 2011

Summer Mornings.

Sitting on the porch, coffee in the air, warm breeze.
Lost in a world of thoughts and reflections....
The world awakes, roomies join for coffee + bfast
Sleepy hellos, laughs, dreams for the day exchanged.
Then everything is quiet again.

I wouldn't miss the mornings for anything...
Even in a summer of freedom,
I never want to miss my favorite part of the day.
from our porch.

05 July 2011

US of A

BBQ's and fireworks and parades and red/white/blue.
It doesn't get better than the fourth of July.
I love this country.

DF parade.

Mom & I.
the famous Deerfield lion.

fireworks over the lake.


Go America.

Looking Up.

"But if you turn off the TV, close the magazines, and look up, you will find a very real world.  A world where we don't always have the right answers, a world where we blunder with awkward pauses and embarrassing slipups, a world where we put on weight and lose our hair and grow old.  In the real world, the daily grind can't be ignored.  You have to tie your shoes and clip your toenails and take out the trash.  Like Russell, the chubby Wilderness Explorer from the movie Up, says, "It might sound boring, but it's the boring stuff I remember the most." :: Veneer p. 92
I like the boring stuff, too.

Because I don't want to live in a counterfeit world - a world where I live outwardly, existing to show others where I've been or what I do, making choices based on how it will appear.  I want to hold moments close to my heart, allowing them to mold me in a sacred space that's mine.  Because it's in that place I am built into the truest form of myself... not for an audience and not for approval, but simply for being me.

We have devalued the work of the inner self, we become unfocused and scattered when attempting towards quietness and reflection. Of course this happens - nothing can compete with the fast pace of internet life and a world demanding attention.
It takes discipline and it takes commitment and it takes space.

Otherwise, it's easy to form a false sense of connection. I want to be present and available for others, be intentional with my friends and love them well.

I want face-to-face and heart-to-heart.
I want one-on-one and life in-person.

I want to live in the complexity and beauty of life in a very real world. And sometimes that means it's just the "boring stuff." But it's in that place where I am challenged to live creatively and allow the boring stuff - daily life - evolve into the extraordinary stuff. As Bonhoeffer puts it: "The better righteousness [that which is extraordinary] of the disciples must have a motive which lies beyond self.  Of course it has to be visible, but they must take care that it does not become visible simply for the sake of becoming visible."

I want to be compelled to be hidden in a God who knows me completely, and makes me visible in living for His Kingdom, not mine. To live a life that points directly to His creation and His mystery... to look up from the things that could distract me in this world towards the only One who gives life to the full. 
