21 July 2011

"If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!" :: J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)

Camp Counselor Mikey
As the youngest in our fam, Mikey has always been known to make us laugh with his stories, impersonations, and childlike nature. In the past few years, I have seen his playful side merge with deep wisdom rooted in knowing, believing, and following Him no matter what.... I guess it only makes sense that he's been a camp counselor for 2 summers and wants to be a youth pastor at some point in life. He might never have to grow-up, after all ;)

In a few short weeks, Daniel and I are headed west to pick-up Mikey from Camp T in Estes Park, CO where he's been all summer radically changing lives of little campers. Every time I talk with Mikey, he gives me a new glimpse at believing bigger, dreaming for more, and trusting God's whole picture for our lives. Driving west, road trip with brothers, adventuring in the mountains... it will be the perfect way to end the summer.

Check out what Mikey's been working on at camp here.

1 comment:

  1. I am deeply honored sis. thanks so much! can't wait for the first
    Goldstein sibling road trip. and yes it is the perfect way to end the summer, zipping through the mountains.

