30 May 2015

Every Day Thoughts.

I've been "quiet on my blog lately," as my Uncle lovingly reminds me when there are blocks of space between posts. I suppose I am still picking up the pieces of not-yet-graduated, done-with-teaching, what's-my-next-step reflections hoping they will pull my life in some sort of direction. The Right Choice is impossible and the Options are overwhelming. A familiar feeling of doubt returns as I consider this looming future, reminding me of finishing Baylor in 2008, stepping into a world of unknowns. This time around I have a few years of counseling and clearer sense of self under my belt, propelling me forward in a subject area in which I have experience, gifts, and passion. And yet, that doesn't seem to be enough.

I want to live inspired and challenged through my work; I want to connect with others and tell stories; I want to work in a creative environment that pushes me to consider life outside the box; I want to soak in the goodness and delight each day has to offer; I want to do life alongside the ones I love.

Does this combination exist??! Sometimes it feels hopeless. What do I do in the meantime?!
(See how I get stuck?!)

Said goodbye to these little ones this past week!
Happy Summer :)


  1. Are we still doing Socratic teaching with preschoolers next year? I'm working my way through "Apology."

  2. Rebes, sister-friend -

    My heart squeezes at the thought of all of your thoughts swirling about. Here's what I know to be true: you have dreams! So many dreams. I love that about you. Because you have these beautifully fantastic dreams, does it seem overwhelming to try to have them all come together? God says we should follow Him with a childlike sense of wonder, and you have that. You have that because you're hopeful to be all things to all. My prayer for you is that the Lord uses each of these dreams as a gift in your future. Maybe you will dabble in a few of these dreams along the way, but none of this is bad. The Lord has gifted you these hopes and desires and cannot wait for you to use them! Life may look scattered, but sister, what a blessing to be able to sprinkle yourself all over. I dream behind a reception desk at a law firm, only hoping for a coffee shop kind of day in the middle of the week. Your life, your dreams, your hopes - they are a gift! Do not let that societal expectation burden those. Love you!

