25 January 2017

Room to Evolve

When I think back to our early days of dating, there is a motive that rises within me to make today a mirror of a year ago. I want our lives now to look like it was then – the world of sunsets and walks and nightly happy hours – of surprises and discoveries in one another and those “me too!” moments that previously felt so rare. But that’s the thing: what we have now is so much deeper, richer, and more intimate than what we ever had before. From dating to engagement to marriage… life can’t possibly look the same as it once was - and the thing is: it’s so much better that way. I have the tendency to want to hold on and recreate; to manage and maintain stability. But life is so much more fun when you allow it to grow and transform, to evolve and invite change. To say Yes to Benjamin knowing that who he is in a year will be an evolved version of who he is now. That’s what makes life an adventure; when it brings challenge and we are faced with the opportunity to rise to the occasion. That’s where transformation happens; and if there’s one thing I want said of my walk with Christ it is that I am committed to transforming.

I hope that in a year, I will look back to this season of engagement knowing how different life looks in marriage. There is no doubt I will have nostalgia over these days – coming home from work to gifts on the stoop, excitement brewing over events with my best friends, phone calls and emails with travel arrangements to SD… cooking dinner with Benjamin and planning for our excursions in Hawaii… these days are ones to cherish. And the thought always loom that it doesn’t get better than this… But it does. And it will. Because that’s who God is; He knows us better than we know ourselves and He is a good Father who gives gifts to delight His children.

1 comment:

  1. Your words! So rich and and I can't say any part of it any better. Love you my Win!

