30 January 2012

Books Into Movies

My general stance on movies from books is just not that impressed.

What I love about reading is the uncovering of a character - seeing the world through their eyes, knowing the rhythm of their thoughts, and predicting their next move. I love feeling that sense of "I get you" with a character, or perhaps not - then seeing how their story unfolds. For me, film is not that way. Something about the story feels more "given" - handed to you without the imagination to see it. Film is beautiful... but I would just rather be reading.

That being said - there is something magical about seeing a film from a book you have read. A fresh perspective.... wondering how the director will piece together the events and scenes you know so well. The pages you turned awaiting the next piece of plot are effortlessly generating themselves in real people on a screen.

Friday night, I saw one of my favorite books put into a movie: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by: Jonathan Safran Foer (brilliant author of another favorite book Everything Is Illuminated). And honestly - I loved it. What a surprise to see my own pictures given life & the story made more tangible.

Recommended to all. But read the book first.

me & ash. quick snap of a blurry photo in the popcorn line.


  1. You walk a very slim line in this post. Be careful of who you might offend...(Film and digital movie entertainment television microsoft word computer marketing music painting(?) photography majors)

    1. I knew you would comment on this! ;) don't get me wrong - i love film digital movie entertainment! i'm just a Reader at heart!

  2. Your brother, Daniel, just showed me your blog. I'm reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close right now, but I'm extremely wary and incredibly nervous about seeing the movie. I am one to either read the book or see the movie. Not both. I just find it hard to see all of his beautiful words and the imagery portrayed be scripted and thrown into a movie. But, alas, maybe you've changed my mind. :)

    1. I feel ya girl! I'm always extremely wary about seeing movies after books too :) this one does not disappoint... give it a go! isn't the book amazing?! beautiful writer he is. glad Daniel is doing some PR for me over here :) i'll have to check out your blog too!

