30 January 2012

Books Into Movies

My general stance on movies from books is just not that impressed.

What I love about reading is the uncovering of a character - seeing the world through their eyes, knowing the rhythm of their thoughts, and predicting their next move. I love feeling that sense of "I get you" with a character, or perhaps not - then seeing how their story unfolds. For me, film is not that way. Something about the story feels more "given" - handed to you without the imagination to see it. Film is beautiful... but I would just rather be reading.

That being said - there is something magical about seeing a film from a book you have read. A fresh perspective.... wondering how the director will piece together the events and scenes you know so well. The pages you turned awaiting the next piece of plot are effortlessly generating themselves in real people on a screen.

Friday night, I saw one of my favorite books put into a movie: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by: Jonathan Safran Foer (brilliant author of another favorite book Everything Is Illuminated). And honestly - I loved it. What a surprise to see my own pictures given life & the story made more tangible.

Recommended to all. But read the book first.

me & ash. quick snap of a blurry photo in the popcorn line.

26 January 2012

Exclude All Else

"Rouse yourself up and look to God. Build your hope on Him. No matter if there are a hundred and one things that press, resolutely exclude them all and look to Him. "Look unto Me," and salvation is, the moment you look."

:: oswald chambers. my utmost.

21 January 2012

sunset in santa monica, ca

"The heartbeat of my life
is to worship in your light.
Because your GLORY is so beautiful"
:: All Sons & Daughters

Days in LA

After standing at the train platform for an hour in the first big blizzard of Chicago, I was relieved to be greeted by the 70 degrees of LA life last weekend, and my dearest Suzy. My days with her proved to be as adventurous & hip as I thought it would be... what else would I expect?!

I loved every moment of this LA weekend.

steps leading to her attic nook nestled in the Hollywood Hills
Flea markets, good eats & epic scenery filled our days....
I spy a Suzy. Hidden behind shelves of books.
we got to play with sweet Aimee for a day!
LA street art... nothing like it...
Suzy's niece/nephew. I love them. And not just because they are Asian.
Sunset in Santa Monica.
When I think about this weekend, I will remember venturing into hidden corners of LA, soaking in Cali culture... the people, the streets, the eats. I will think about staying up late, eating ice-cream in bed and dreaming of life as we know it and where it could go. I will remember the peace that comes with adventuring with a best friend... knowing there's nowhere else you would rather be. Sunsets in the sand. Good tunes on the pod. Yummy coffee and treats all the time. Good reads from new bookstores. This weekend was the refreshment I needed, a getaway from Chicago, and a heart connection with one who I love so much.

I return to Chi thankful. For friendship, for growth, for the new life Suzy and I have both planted in our different places. At some point, location becomes irrelevant - at our core, we are both who we have always been. And we know where we come from. That is something that is so sacred and no distance can take away.

13 January 2012

Headed West

to see this lovely today...

chicago summer 2k9
and I just can't wait.

Besides her creativity, servant love, and deep heart that she invites others into, she is silly and playful and so so fun. Suzy loves me for who I am... has loved me at my worst and my best. From freshman dorms, to 3 years of roommating.... Baylor life, to post-grad Chitown/Cali ventures... she has walked me through it from afar. Everywhere I have been, she has been there with me.

If we can't live in the same place... at least I get to escape snowy Chitown to the west coast for a few days! I am oh so blessed to spend the weekend adventuring with this one I love so much.

11 January 2012

... Winter awaits.

Predicted snowstorm tomorrow.

I thought we had given a Pass to winter this year in Chicago?!
Guess not...

09 January 2012

It's January 9th.

I took a brief glance at my upcoming life in the 2012 calendar today... weddings, shows, travels, friends in town, out of town, Spring Break... new plans, events, obligations, and excitements... and all of a sudden I was living in May.

It's only 9 days into the new year and my new years motivations have taken me under...!

Making time for new hobbies & resolutions alongside time with close friends and margins for adventures is a tricky balance.

Regardless... cheers to 2012 y'all.

larry, we see you.

08 January 2012

Back to School...

It's never easy to go back to work after a long break. But there's a sense of comfort in returning to these dear ones. My days are filled with their giggles & tears. With their imagination and excitement. With their beginning understandings of the world & who they are in it.

I am lucky to return to them. 

And amidst figuring out their 5 year old selves... they teach me so much about who I am. They show me how to take a step back and just laugh. How to have true kindness in friendship and unconditional love no matter what.

They are full of grace for me... as I make mistakes and figure it out and say things that don't make sense... grace that never runs out. It's amazing how at the end of the day I can feel so utterly tired with not a drop left... then return the next day to do it all again, refreshed and invigorated for the day set before us. They drain me and fill me up all at the same time... how is it possible?! It is a crazy phenomenon that points to HIS graciousness in my life... to give me them to show me more of Him.



And also: New Motivation. With the start of 2012, I am re-energized in updating / designing / changing our Lily. Resigning a lease and knowing we'll be here for at least another year is part of the increased DIY addictions... but it's also winter now. So what else is there to do?! (cue: the painting extravaganza last year January)

And underneath the carpet we found the receipt... 1987.
Carpet renovation : Overdue.
This is hands & knees work, people.
Tearing up carpet is tedious work... Who knew?!
I proudly plied that whole piece of nailed wood with a butter knife. Proud moment.
AFTER. Worth it.
I am still trying to figure out why anyone would cover such lovely hardwood...(?!) But lucky for us - since these floors have been covered for so long, they are the nicest floors in the house!

01 January 2012

Good Year 2011

Last year, I reminisced in photos 2010. Here are some favorite memories from 2011:

New Home : The Lily. Lakeview, Chicago.
Love for Choco Vino + The Bachelor. Basically kept us alive all winter long.
DIY Lily Dates.
Painting, Decorating, Free Craigslisting... whatever it took.
Blessed by these lovelies.
New neighborhood hotspots. Adventured via puffer coat.
Southport snowed in
Grandpa moves back to Chi.
Winter Wonderland in Wisconsin
Scavenger Hunts in the city with dear Britters. Sleepovers. Cinnamon Rolls.
She's always up for an adventure!
Spring Break... rest, relaxing, refreshment with my dear Kato
Layover in Kansas City. Time with Jenny + Andrew. I'm so lucky.
Preschool teaching. Lots to learn...
Brothers visit for a weekend!
Roommate birthday weekends + sideways face + high bun.
My dear Bets turns the big 2-4.
The High Bun. (need I say more...)
Daniel's first CityStreak winners!
Chicago thaws out. And we realize how many people actually live in this city.
Daniel moves back to Chicago!
Memorial Day weekend : Whitney gets married! Blessed to be a bridesmaid.
Mom + Paul = Engaged!
Betsy + Michael engaged!!!!!!!
Music Mondays. Highlight of summer.
International Music Thursdays. Picnics in Mill Park. Wine + Dancing.
Kate gets married!!!!!
Summer sistas.
The Lily Clothing Swap.
Summer public transit excursions.
Road trip to Des Moines for the weekend... wedding plans + Betsy's hometown :)

Learning Film. Britter's bday. Celebrating.
Runs along the lake
Beach, beach, beach
I turn 25!
Lily Birthday Party
Mom + Paul : spontaneous wedding at the chimney
Roadtrip to CO to pick Mikey up from camp
Jenny in Milwaukeeeee!
Ravinia nights
Saying goodbye to summer via Britter's boat
School starts! Teaching Kindergarten :)
Our first half-marathon
We finished! 13.1
falllll... apples apples everywhere 
camping with Lindsay!
city pumpkin patch... farmer's markets... embracing everything fall
New friends + Old
Christmas Season.... DIY at the Lily
Bye bye Becky! She's off to Cali...
The Lily Christmas Tree + Decorating for the Season
Christmas Break with brothers. Sufjan, Folk Angel, Tree Trim, eggnog.... 
cookie forests
4 journals this year!
Reunioning with life friends
Merry Christmas to all, Love: The Goldstein Sibs
Here's to another year!
