09 February 2011


My adventurous little dearheart Suzy is across the Atlantic as a postgrad at University of Glasgow this year studying all things brilliant, and sent me this link the other day:

The thing that struck me most about this mysterious photographer - a native to my precious homecity - is that her work was done completely for the love of her art.  She didn't have a public domain that showcased her photos, she didn't have access to facebook to post her most recent shoots, or tweet about her last glimpse of beauty.  Instead, she slipped completely under the radar, engaging in her passion to satisfy her own personal interest.

With a culture focused on online streaming and sharing, it's hard to be an artist without an intent to be noticed in a public venue.  In a way, the accessibility of online life has opened doors of creativity, connecting interests and inspiring minds towards what's unique....  But in another sense, a screen-focused audience has stolen the integrity of art.  What is the intent behind the artist? To be noticed? Or to do art simply because they can't live without it?

We all have a bit to learn from dear Viv - When was the last time you did something beautiful and wonderful and kept it just to yourself? I hope to delight in a life apart from my online presence - living in a way that art may be exposed from my life, not a life lived for the purpose of exposure.


  1. love love this. the mysterious and hidden life...that's where the real stuff is.

  2. what a beautiful post! it's like all the best inside jokes or what makes a marriage so special- you keep all the really good stuff to yourselves :)

  3. this is amazing...please tell me you have shown this to dad. She lived in Highland Park and Wilmette. Her pictures are breathtaking.

