01 February 2011

Lily Happenings

Though we LOVE our vintage and unique little kitchen, it does not lend itself well to counter space and cooking.  So, we took matters into our own hands.  With a little help (read: a LOT of help) from Betsy's boyf Michael, kitchen life is transformed with an industrial-esque bar. Next step: upholstering the stools with burlap coffee bags...

(We're hoping to use Snow Day as DIY Day Part 2... We still have a long list to tackle!)
brilliant bar-building in progress.
Other news: Yesterday after work I was greeted with celebratory gummies and a note.  As a non-salary freelancer herself, Betsy understands the draining day-to-day question of "Will I have a job next year?"  So when I told her I was offered the full-time Kindergarten job at CHA next year, she had nothing but excitement for me, which made it that much more real.  I felt so honored to return to celebration and smiles, homemade cookies, and hugs from roomies.

It's still sinking in- Living in the city, teaching in the city... my fave grade at a school I never want to leave... What an unexpected life blessing!  I never could've seen my life here a few years ago... but that's the adventure this life is. Unpredictable twists and turns, that end up good when you say Yes to the surprises.

This job is so ME. And that's what I love.
The key to my heart is through gummies.


  1. oh goldstein, you are such.a.grown.up. brimming over with gladness for you!

  2. :) aaaah grown-up life!!! not quite yet. there's still san d.

  3. who's heart isn't opened by the key that is gummies?

  4. VERY exciting news...congrats, rebes!

  5. I will tell Mr. ? someday of your love for gummies. Let the jar never go empty!

