17 May 2010

Thank You, Crisis

{Per mi, la crisi ha estat una oportunitat}
Catalan for: "For me, the crisis is an opportunity."

True. Yet unexpected on an advertisement for a Job Placement Agency.

This sign was spotted with a friend in Barcelona, and we didn't stop laughing the whole day about the "opportunities" the crisis has really created:

Taking a job abroad and traveling for a year, guiltless shopping at reduced prices, entertaining more hobbies that could potentially bring an income, endless [lazy] internet time spent "job searching"...

... basically anything but employment. Turns out.

So, if I may - thank you, crisis.


  1. sorry, i havent read this post yet. you need a place for general comments. i suppose fb is good for that. anyway. question about your profile pic for blogger. is that the group taxi filled with an eclectic paneuropean mix that you took from midway home when no one could get you and you were nervous they would all know your address? Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes...

  2. Rebecca,

    I totally love this post and the last few posts. I love the picture of the kids at the aquarium. I love your poetic prose rhapsodies on all you have learned and experienced this year, though I am sad for my own selfish reasons that you will not be there another year.

    Just one thing: what crisis, for #%*^@ sake? Almost everything you've written makes me crazy jealous for your youth, your travel courage, you lovely European adventure.

    What crisis, please? :)

  3. Thank you, Uncle Mark!

    I'm just following the lead of those who have gone before me... ;)

