29 January 2010

Thoughts, lately.

Spain has continually brought opportunities for discovery, for newness, for greater understanding of the world - and how minute I am in it. I have soared to new heights, been crushed by beauty, and overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Adapting to a new lifestyle and culture has softened me to change, expanded my idea of reality, and challenged me to discern what's right for me.

Yes, Spain has been an adventure.

But it is not Spain alone that has made it such. I am awakened to a new sense of what it means to be on an adventure, and how often we mistakenly equate adventure with travel. The lingering thought is that somehow we are settling for a life of non-adventure if we decide to live where life feels familiar.

Too often we forget the part of "us" in the adventure, our power to choose. It's easy to keep living for the next, next, next "crazy&exciting&different&exotic" I forget that where I am - no matter where that is - IS the adventure. I say, "I don't know what I'm doing with my life," when the reality is that I am doing exactly it.

The adventure is your perspective. We have to seek the joy that comes from life as it is. Wherever that is.

Today I'm in Spain. Tomorrow I might be in Germany. Next year I could be back to the states. No matter where I am, I am still me. And that is the heart of the adventure.

