13 January 2010

Rebe & Mikey Meet Italy.

I recently had the opportunity to backpack through Spain/Italy with my little brother Mikey. What started with a comment about New Years in the Colosseum turned into 12 days of the most hilarious, yet meaningful moments of my life. I can hardly put it into words... so I will leave you with a note Michael posted to facebook. It sums up the trip better than I ever could:

¨I recently backpacked through Madrid down through 5 different cities in Italy with my dear sister Rebecca. At the end of the trip we looked back and listed our top memories and things we saw from the 12 days we were traveling. I realized that the best part of the trip had nothing to do with the sights or cities themselves. Rather it was the pure experience of adventure. Never having a plan, never having a clue where we were, and never caring what we were going to do. We just went with whatever came our way and booked everything the day of or before while accepting the inevitable hysterical consequences. The aggressive yet nonchalant style of travel provided the most comical, yet most cultural progression of any 12 days of my life. If I could go back and do the trip over I wouldn't change a thing. Preparation is not the key to success-improvisation is. This trip was all experienced through reaction to sudden changes coming our way. Nothing could have proved more exciting. With only Rick Steve's as our travel guide, Rebecca and I stripped Italy raw and exposed it for the real beauty of an unplanned, unprepared, improvised Italian vagabond.¨

1 comment:

  1. Your brother is a very good writer...reminds me of some of the same thoughts I have had after whirlwind trips. Sounds like a great time. enjoy.

