31 January 2010


For me, foreign visits have always occurred as a temporary stay or vacation... but there is something special about remaining abroad for the change of seasons. Arriving to Santander when the beach is full of surfers, then returning when the mountains are covered in snow somehow makes it feel a bit more real. I live here.

I am reminded that life works in seasons... ups&downs, ins&outs... gives me freedom to explore where I'm at & who I am right.now.

{Newness in summer.}

{Freedom in fall.}

{Readapting in winter.}
{i took this photo last weekend in the mountains!}

29 January 2010

Thoughts, lately.

Spain has continually brought opportunities for discovery, for newness, for greater understanding of the world - and how minute I am in it. I have soared to new heights, been crushed by beauty, and overwhelmed by the goodness of God. Adapting to a new lifestyle and culture has softened me to change, expanded my idea of reality, and challenged me to discern what's right for me.

Yes, Spain has been an adventure.

But it is not Spain alone that has made it such. I am awakened to a new sense of what it means to be on an adventure, and how often we mistakenly equate adventure with travel. The lingering thought is that somehow we are settling for a life of non-adventure if we decide to live where life feels familiar.

Too often we forget the part of "us" in the adventure, our power to choose. It's easy to keep living for the next, next, next "crazy&exciting&different&exotic" I forget that where I am - no matter where that is - IS the adventure. I say, "I don't know what I'm doing with my life," when the reality is that I am doing exactly it.

The adventure is your perspective. We have to seek the joy that comes from life as it is. Wherever that is.

Today I'm in Spain. Tomorrow I might be in Germany. Next year I could be back to the states. No matter where I am, I am still me. And that is the heart of the adventure.

26 January 2010


"What did you want to see?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
To go away and not look back
and think of what the others say.
To go ahead and change your life
without regard to what is said.
And everyone must do the same
you find yourself lost again
Forget the things you've left behind
looking back you may go blind."

- Atlas Sound, "Walkabout"

25 January 2010

Mountains: Check.

One moment you're watching the finale of Fama in your cozy piso, and the next you are scaling the side of the Picos of Europa... thus is life in Cantabria, Spain. On Sunday I was invited on a Spanish excursion to the nearby mountains, where we seemed to forge a trail of our own - all evidence covered by a blanket of freshfallen snow. There were moments when I literally thought: "I am going to live and die on this mountain," only to later be rewarded by the scenic views, photo ops, and nearby deer. Below I've posted some photos my friend Luis took from the day...

{Going where none have gone before...}
{So much beauty to capture.}
{Breathtaking, right?}
{Excursion'ing. And hoping to make it down alive.}
After thawing out a bit, we picnic'ed with pinchos of tortilla, and stopped in a local bar for shots of Orujo - the "fuerte" drink of Potes - and to watch Santander play some football. Sigh. I love Spain.

15 January 2010

10 in '10.

Inspired by dear friends, Emma & Wesley...

{Not to be mistaken with resolutions... just 10 things in the 2010, before I leave Spain:}

1. Go to the mountains.
2. Take a surf lesson.
3. See the south (Sevilla, Granada, Malaga).
4. Enjoy cheap wine & tapas.
5. Hear my ninos respond to questions in English, and memorize my daily songs.
6. Purchase something really "Spanish"
7. Ride a blue bike. (The bikes you can rent all over town).
8. Take photos (w/ my new cam!) of my favorite places.
9. Have a Spanish conversation with a stranger.
10. Take a solo backpacking excursion for a weekend.

Those are the Top 10. (I have another list of about 30 that I hope to do/see/change/believe for the next 5 months...!) The time is already going SO fast!

Constantly learning to: live in the present, embrace the unknown, and find identity in Him alone.

14 January 2010


and emailed from a friend in the US.

so, i will :) thank you!

13 January 2010

Rebe & Mikey Meet Italy.

I recently had the opportunity to backpack through Spain/Italy with my little brother Mikey. What started with a comment about New Years in the Colosseum turned into 12 days of the most hilarious, yet meaningful moments of my life. I can hardly put it into words... so I will leave you with a note Michael posted to facebook. It sums up the trip better than I ever could:

¨I recently backpacked through Madrid down through 5 different cities in Italy with my dear sister Rebecca. At the end of the trip we looked back and listed our top memories and things we saw from the 12 days we were traveling. I realized that the best part of the trip had nothing to do with the sights or cities themselves. Rather it was the pure experience of adventure. Never having a plan, never having a clue where we were, and never caring what we were going to do. We just went with whatever came our way and booked everything the day of or before while accepting the inevitable hysterical consequences. The aggressive yet nonchalant style of travel provided the most comical, yet most cultural progression of any 12 days of my life. If I could go back and do the trip over I wouldn't change a thing. Preparation is not the key to success-improvisation is. This trip was all experienced through reaction to sudden changes coming our way. Nothing could have proved more exciting. With only Rick Steve's as our travel guide, Rebecca and I stripped Italy raw and exposed it for the real beauty of an unplanned, unprepared, improvised Italian vagabond.¨

11 January 2010

Time Warp.

Home, and back again.
A whirlwind.

It was hard to imagine what it would feel like to be back in the states after 2.5-ish months in Spain...

I left at the peak of transitions for many friends/family. I returned to the realization that it's not pretend or make-believe... My newlywed friends have established lives & new houses (!!!); some have babies on the way; my best friend now shares a house with her hubby!, friends who were on the brink of new jobs or locations in the fall have now transitioned from unfamiliarity to a sense of belonging. Questions: answered. Lives evolving. Moving on. Growing up.

{Besties reunion for Candis's wedding.}
{MOH duties. Such an honor!!!}
{Christmas'ing w/ brothers.}
{Cousins on the Eve}
And in this way, Waco was both everything I left it, and nothing like I remember it.

Chicago gave me a dip back into life pre-Spain... and a taste of what could be when I return.

It was exactly what I needed before Round 2 in Spain.
Refreshing. Reflecting. Reinventing.

I return to Spain with the fullness that comes after being with best friends & family, the anticipation of adventures in waiting, and the comfort in knowing I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here & now.
