04 April 2012

Mini Me

If you know me, you know I love the high bun.

My friend, Lindsay, even greeted me tonight with, "I don't think I've ever seen your hair down!" (Okay, so I got my haircut yesterday... but, really... ever?!)

The other day, this little image popped into my email via Jenny with the subject: Mini Bexy. Oh it's too true... my children are doomed. But she still looks rockin'... right...?!

Hipsta sista.
Truth be told: the high bun has gotten much attention in the past year or so when it soon became my staple-go-to-always-hair. 

I think it's a sign of getting older when you start to value comfort over fashion. Lucky for me - these days - the high bun seems to be both... 
(though most likely erring on the "lazy" side.)

Some recent shots in my favorite 'do:
KC with my dear.
playing in LA.
Lily party : happy birthday Ash!
{... did I really just blog on hair?! Oh gah.}


  1. I adore your high bun!! You are forever my fashion inspiration. If it weren't for you I would still be wearing crocks with my wide leg jeans and a tridelta t-shirt. Those were the days.

    1. HAHAHAHA. crocks + delta tee. thooose were the daaaays! don't forget the underarmor in 80 degree temps! ;)

  2. ok. i said i havent seen you with your hair down in AWHILE!!
    plus, the only reason i dont wear my hair up in cute high buns is cause it looks stupid and i look like a cross between the picture of the old maid on the old maid card box and an ostrich and i wish i could look like you!

    -lindsay (aka. rebeccas obviously terrible friend)

  3. i second jenny btw.
    (lindsay again)

