29 April 2012

What Inspires Me

These days...

Saturday mornings. Walks to Ann Sather.
the most delicious cinnamon rolls & coffee in the world.

the reminder of friends, lake life, camping, and so much to look forward to this summer.
spring colors. cupcakes. YUM.
my kindergarten kiddos. bursting with inspiration!
recent travels... and looking forward to more beach SOON.

(photos taken on Dad's old Pentax cam :: 35mm film.)

Waco Ties

My two most important reasons for ever returning to Waco are leaving Waco... and as much as it ends an era for them, it seems to be ending an era for me, as well. 

Reason #1: Mikey
Visiting. Spring Break 2012. Enjoying all things Baylor.
My little brother Mikey. He is our family's last Baylor bear... and in only three short weeks he will cross the stage with a diploma and is off to the big post-college world. I have loved watching him embrace everything Baylor over the last four years. Going to the same school bonds you in a way nothing else can - proudly sic 'em-ing, laughing at CG couples, scares on the bear trail, protecting the eternal flame (?!), nights ending at scruffs (I mean....), Baylor traditions and lifestyle and Waco quirks is something only a Baylor graduate understands. As much as I love what we share, it has also been fun seeing Mikey make Baylor his own - with lacrosse, fake fratting, youth leading, going abroad to Maastricht, a film digital media major, his frequent hammock life in Cameron Park... and so much more. These four years have both set his feet firm in identity and allowed him to freely run after the movings of his heart. I am honestly so proud of him. 

I love sharing Baylor with Daniel & Michael - each of us creating a unique experience true to our personalities. How special to watch each other step into more of ourselves with Baylor as the connecting factor.

Spring 2010: A family of sic 'ems. Boy am I lucky.

Reason #2: Candis
Summer 2009 : Team Carvey on 1212 Guthrie

From the moment I met Candis my freshman year, she has been dreaming of moving from Waco. As a Waco native, Candis hasn't lived life outside the "greater Waco area" - as they say - for 26 years (get your rockets up!). Over Spring Break, we chatted about the day... the day she would leave. A day that felt unattainable and distant... a prayer that felt unheard. And yet - He is present. Driving me to the Austin airport after our Spring Break Texas travels, everything seemed to fall in place. A job for the hubs, selling their house on 1212 Guthrie... days later they packed up the U-Haul and off they drove. New city, new life. Oh I am so excited for the next Carvey chapter on 1213!

Jumps. Because it's what you do when you see the Alico. 
Who knew a bunch of Chicagoans would call a random pocket of Texas home?! The past four years since graduation have been filled with visits in and out of Waco because there was always a reason to go back. Whether for family Homecomings, weddings, SING - I always look forward to the reminders of how formidable those years were. I am who I am because of that chunk of time to figure it out, make forever friends, be silly and question and explore, and - to be honest - live in a bubble. And now, it's unclear when I'll be back... and something about that feels strange.

Whenever it is, one thing's for sure: family.sailgate.

(... and: here's Mikey's latest film work... what a talent, right?!

18 April 2012

Dear Bets is a M.R.S

snowmageddon 2k11
When Betsy and I became city-dwellers in January 2011, I had no idea it would turn into best friendship. But I soon found out - Betsy is what I call a Soul Sister in every sense of the word.

12 cups of coffee + a loaf of banana bread later... it was a very successful clothing swap.
In some ways, it's hard for me to imagine city life without Betsy in the Lily. She is one that embraces every moment of every day no matter what. I woke up to sweet encouragement notes, coffee, and chalkboard art from Betsy, then returned home to make dinner together and chat life. She loves deep & wide for those in her life & her heart is so much for others than it is for herself. {...even in the final days leading up to her wedding she was sending off gifts & cards & bday treats to friends... celebrating others is certainly a gift of hers!}

doing what we love in our favorite place : jewel.
We connect on so many levels - from the hilarious insights in the day-to-day, to the unexpected happenings, to marveling at simple city life. We explored our neighborhood top to bottom: evening froyo walks were expected, the bar & grill down the street a local hotspot, Saturday Ann Sather cinnamon roles, patio margs at El Jardin, and our fave dessert spot - Sensational Bites - was a nightly occasion. 

We thrifted and craigslisted and DIY burlapped our apt together... we seasonally decorated, baked, and celebrated... we hunkered down in the winter and beached in the summer. 

midnight dollar store run for diy decor.

When it comes down to it : Life is just better lived with Betsy.

new roomies 2k12 :)
Like so many of my best friends, Betsy showed me that when you find the right person, life is fuller lived alongside them. (A good thing to learn for my independent & solo self...)

rehearsal din!!!
There was one thing I was very aware of when we started living together : Betsy was dating the hunky love of her life - Michael - and it was clear that there would come a day when Michael would make her his. 

From serious dating, to engagement, to marriage - I saw all aspects of their wedding unfold... (highlights include: imported Chinese dresses, blog stalking, and wedding dress hunting... the only meltdowns coming from me, not the bride ;)) And in the process, I learned what a relationship looks like when surrendered to the One who invented marriage. It was the greatest honor to see the vision in play and be a part of the celebration this past weekend. 

the stunning bride.
mr & mrs drach!
the most beautiful rustic chic barn wedding won't be put under by the awaiting monsoon!
Even though Betsy is venturing into the realm of married life, I am comforted knowing Betsy is a forever friend... and her love of the city will never take her too far from me ;) I cling tight to the memories of living the last year and a half together, but eagerly await many many many more as our Chicago community takes form.

One thing is for sure: we will always share an affinity for chocolate chip cookies, Madewell clothing, chocovino, design on a budget, the bachelor, clothing swaps, puffer coats (not.), Music Mondays, breakfast, and living life in Chicago the best it can be. 

Michael sure is one lucky man!

dancing to "the luckiest" - they really are.

07 April 2012

New Life

The days are coming,” declares the LORD, 
“when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel 
and with the people of Judah. 
It will not be like the covenant
I made with their ancestors 
when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, 
because they broke my covenant
though I was a husband to them,” 
declares the LORD. “This is the covenant 
I will make with the people of Israel 
after that time,” declares the LORD. 
I will put my law in their minds 
and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, 
and they will be my people. 
No longer will they teach their neighbor, 
or say to one another, 
‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know me, 
from the least of them to the greatest,” declares the LORD. 
“For I will forgive their wickedness 
and will remember their sins no more.”

Jeremiah 31:31-34

To live in the new covenant 
is for the old to be forgotten.
The old that is based on works... 
for the new that is based on heart.
To remember who HE is. 
And the fullness of life lived with Him.
To do away with who I was
before I knew Him.
And be thankful for His
rescuing, redeeming, restoring
because of the cross.
He did what He said He would do.
because He keeps His Promises.
His love is for US. 
And it never gives up.

What a reason to celebrate.

04 April 2012

Texas & Back: In Film.

How lucky I was to spend a week roaming Texas with my favorite people.
From a Houston wedding to a Galveston cabana to a tent in Austin to Waco college life...
It seems unreal that I got to drive for hours on the open Texas road with my love Candis, beebopping from town-to-town...
each place feeling like a new vacay beginning.
My dear Baylor roommate & stunning bride, Carrie.
How special to be a part of the celebrations in Houston last weekend!
Galveston Island... matching boat&swordfish tanks... a beach cabana...
some almost-tats.... late night ice-cream...
I never want to forget the many memories with Cannie.
Magnolia Cafe : South Congress Ave, Austin.

Food truck capitol.
Mikey's a senior & I got to relive the college dream.
Bear Scares, Sonic HH, chic-fil-a, open mic CG, Dancing Bear...
You always appreciate it more when you return.

We stayed up late, danced until the wee hours, explored island life, sipped good wine, blasted road tunes, roasted s'mores over a handmade fire, laid in bluebonnets, hiked Austin trails, ate delicious food, talked forever...
Oh why do vacays ever have to end?!

{Pentax 35mm film}

Mini Me

If you know me, you know I love the high bun.

My friend, Lindsay, even greeted me tonight with, "I don't think I've ever seen your hair down!" (Okay, so I got my haircut yesterday... but, really... ever?!)

The other day, this little image popped into my email via Jenny with the subject: Mini Bexy. Oh it's too true... my children are doomed. But she still looks rockin'... right...?!

Hipsta sista.
Truth be told: the high bun has gotten much attention in the past year or so when it soon became my staple-go-to-always-hair. 

I think it's a sign of getting older when you start to value comfort over fashion. Lucky for me - these days - the high bun seems to be both... 
(though most likely erring on the "lazy" side.)

Some recent shots in my favorite 'do:
KC with my dear.
playing in LA.
Lily party : happy birthday Ash!
{... did I really just blog on hair?! Oh gah.}

01 April 2012

Every Child is an Author

While this week has been SPRING BREAK....
 I was doing some spring cleaning in my classroom and stumbled across this little picture 
with a few scribbles on the back cover of my student's book. 
It's an "About the Author" section for her story. 
She is 5 years old and knows that even she can be an author.
My Kindergarteners continue to surprise and inspire me.

I added some adult writing to the top to help the readers ;)

Whether it's a picture, a few letters, or pages in a book... 
each child is brimming with thoughts they are eager to share. 
