11 September 2011

Thirteen Point One

Betsy and I were filled with nervous excitement when we signed up for the Chicago Half Marathon this summer. Determined to take advantage of summer runs by the lake, we figured the half was a good motivating factor. Neither of us had ever run over 6 miles... and we just wanted to know we could do it.
And today we did. After all the training, the weekly pressure for long runs and short runs, all the time and dedication and goal setting... What an accomplishment to cross the finish line. AND with an even better time than I had hoped for (1:58:18!) The best part? Looking to my side and seeing my running buddy in a matching tee, knowing that everything we put in was for this very race. You get one shot. And it's the process that gets you there. Not quite ready to sign up for the next race yet... but I can see how these things get addicting. You feel like a conquerer - and that's a good feeling.

(photos above: 1. betsy & i at the half marathon expo the day before 2. pasta party dinner with all our running girls 3. finish line! we did it.)

