05 January 2011

This City.

Our partly finished hallway entry... finding new ways to reconstruct daily.
Since taking this photo I have added a few items...
A vintage globe coming soon.
I am in love with living in the city.
My whole world has shifted... 
finding new ways to do old things.
Local restaurants, used bookstores, antique shops, city walks.
Daily gems of discovery.
I love the vintage appeal of our flat - even if it means not having a dishwasher.
And living/decorating with Betsy has been a dream.
Salvation Army runs, free craigslist ads, endless DIY chat,
movie nights (on the dvd player we installed ourselves!!!)
Sometimes I stop and think "I live here," then get a giddy smile on my face.
I couldn't be happier :) :) :)

Well... maybe if we had a piano in our apartment. 
But no worries - that's still in the works...


  1. an antique globe sneakily taken from mom

  2. next week, let me visit. something tells me your flat is craving flesh flowers and candles from friends

  3. Rebecca,

    Please post photos of the uncle-guest room. I want to come hang out,too!

  4. that globe is rightfully mine. it was in my room growing up!

