23 January 2011

On Repeat

b/c it's just that good.

Little brother Mikey is my source of music these days.  I can't help but think of him with every Jon Foreman song... he's starting his European adventures this week, and all I can do is smile. I can't wait for the stories, the photos, the mishaps, the documentaries that are up and coming. He has a unique way of finding delight in the details of life - he will return a person full of the story he creates as a young learner abroad!

And I think of my Daniel... and the legacy he is building as he restarts life in Nashville to pursue the pull on his heart to do big things. He is a world changer. I see his dreams becoming reality - and feel inspired to do the same. He is brilliant, he can do anything he puts his heart into, and I can't wait to write his memoir someday!

Yes... JF reminds me of my precious brothers, sweet memories over Christmas Break, and the blessing that family is... bringing peace and comfort to my soul.


  1. Another cool post, but I have a question about you wanting to write Daniel's memoir. Don't pople write their own memoirs? Isn't that sort of what memoir means?

    Just wondering... :)

  2. True. Unless I secretly pose as him...

  3. thanks for the shoutout rebecca!

    pics/vids coming soon

  4. love this song.. - matt mccoy

