01 September 2012

Please, Ira

So, I recently sent an email to Ira Glass...

Dear Ira,

As ardent This American Life fans, my roommate Ashley and I were absolutely stoked to see your movie coming to our favorite neighborhood theater, The Music Box. After failed attempts to click past the "Online Tickets Sold Out," tab we decided it was in our best interest to hustle down the street to inquire ticket options with a more equipped Music Box employee. With $12 in our pockets and motivated spirits, we set off on our quest. And like any valiant hero that's gone before us, we encountered a series of hurdles. After turning the corner of our block to the next, we were abruptly met with a man that was wearing less than his normal share of clothing. Suffice it to say, he was naked. Whether he was drunk or mentally impaired, the verdict is still out. What we do know now is that we are both equipped with reflexes we didn't know existed, Ashley shielding her eyes with shouts of "I see side shaft!" and me embracing the indecent exposure with a friendly, "hello there sir." The thing is, it's not to say this scantilly-clad mister was without options... with one pair of pants around his ankles, and another off to his right it was beyond our state of reasoning why he was wearing neither. However, nothing would stand in the way of our prize. After a quick jaunt down the street, our evidence as victims of crime was given away with giggles, and spotted by a neighbor who also had such luck with our exposed friend. The good news? We performed our civic Lakeview duty with valor, reporting our recent incident to a nearby Crossing Guard. Concerned, he headed off in the direction of the offender as we continued on our quest. No hurdle would keep us back: not even the locked doors and Closed signs of our beloved theater. Conveniently, we spotted a doorbell for mail, which we proceeded to utilize for incessant ringing, followed by pounding of fists upon the front doors. A weary and wary ticket sales clerk came to our aid, greeted with convincing pleas of "we need tickets!" "to Ira!" "Tomorrow!" Shaking from her dazed stupor, we were regretfully informed that our conquered quest had now concluded in vain. All tickets, even our creative inquiry towards "aisle seats?" were true to the internet's proclamation: Sold Out. We turned from the office, and drowned our sorrows at the local Jewel with orange juice and oatmeal....

Yet, our story continues. 
We write you now in one last ditch effort, asking you to grant value to our journey. In the form of 2 tickets to a showing this weekend of "Sleepwalk with Me" at the Music Box Theater. 

We thank you for your work and wish you the very best,

Ashley & Rebecca

...keep you posted.


  1. whaaaaaaaaaat!?!?!?!?!?

  2. oh! this is with that one guy whose show we listened to together! right before the teepee!

    1. YOU, Lindsay, are the reason I LOVE IRA!!!!!
      You were my intro to the famous Ira Glass... I blame you for this whole catastrophe!!
      (/Thank you for a great story!!!) :) LOVE YOU.

  3. So, the question is, have you seen the movie yet? And if yes, well, how is it?

    Uncle Mark

    1. Uncle Mark,

      I have seen the movie! and it was worth every ounce of hilarity via ticket process. it was laugh out loud funny :)

