25 September 2012

Lumineers - Live

This show was unlike any other show I have been to before. 

(And not just because of Tyler's connection to score us free press pass tix using my totally-amateur-photog-self as the platform...)

I didn't know what to anticipate from these Denver boys whose first show in Chicago at Subterranean paid them a total of $8... So I could only work with what I did know: their album seems to get better with each listen, it was easily the soundtrack to my summer because it just never got old, and I can't seem to take them off Repeat. So, I would say they had pretty good odds. 

And when they opened on stage with Submarines following a disappointing guitar duo, Comettes, nobody judged the mutual lack of effort to manage excitement. They set up this show to be nothing less than awesome. 

And if it's any surprise - it far surpassed these expectations.

Just when you start to wonder if music in heaven will ever be as good as what's in front of you, the team of four hustle through the crowd hauling chairs mid-floor for a rendition of Ho-Hey complete with a joined chorus of ho-hey's from surrounding fans. And in a small venue like Logan Square Auditorium, it almost felt like I was spying on the living room of these boys while they're hanging out. (That's what they do all the time... right?!) 

Following Ho Hey, came the charming Wesley Schultz solo on stage with Slow It Down. Sigh. No words needed - treat yourself to a sample below.

Laughs, tears, tunes... the Lumineers live will be hard to top.


  1. the best things come from Denver these days. they just happen to visit the best places...*sigh*

  2. oh and go see Mumford...it may just top them.

    1. I actually thoought of you when I wrote this... I wanted to write, the best thing next to Mumford - but I haven't seen Mums live yet!

