20 August 2011

Back to School Blues

Me in Kindergarten. Remembering what it was like...

The transition from summer to school is always a bit rough... I think I have an unhealthy attachment to the precious three months of not working. I can't help it... I love the sun, lake, city during the summer too much!

They're never too young to learn the meaning of vintage.

On Tuesday, I have 9 little Kindergarteners entering my class. I've been setting up my classroom and praying for each of their hearts and spirits to come alive this year. A story is being written with each of their lives... how lucky that I get to be a part of it.

A Word Wall in construction.


  1. oh....man. look at that face. what a doll!!!! these little gems are so lucky to have a teacher that loves so well and believes for so much.

  2. I want to be in your class!

  3. That little pink vintage kitchen set is adorable!! I agree with Suzy Lee :)

