07 May 2011

Boys Are Back

I always look forward to my brothers coming home. 
I love the story being written with their lives.
They are sold out to Him, and it completely amazes me.
Nobody else can speak into my life the way they can...
with challenge and conviction, and also love and encouragement.
I laugh so hard and love so much with them.
They are my best friend brothers. 
And I don't know who I would be without them.

Mikey's back to the states. And appreciates Dr. Pepper more than ever.

Daniel's a grown-up. And has new hair.

Thai & a 6-pack lunch

I love them. They are the very best.


  1. this is why i want to be an honorary goldstein. family of gold...teehee. i am so sorry, i can't stop with the puns. they're awful.

  2. Awwww, love you so much best friend sis!

