11 November 2019

Partial Solutions

On Saturday, we headed north to Cardiff on an 84 degree day to watch the sunset behind the ocean as Ben caught some waves with a friend. Jack and I splashed in puddles on the sand and chased birds on the shore.

While hanging on the beach with my friend Raquel, we discussed the reality of being a Mom. Giving up freedoms, making sacrifices, constantly multi-tasking... the usual stuff. I asked her how she manages to work out at home with a three year old and a baby and she asked me - have you heard the term "partial solutions?" I have heard of this, in fact, but in this moment it struck me in a different way.

Our days are not perfectly smooth and we don't always accomplish what I had thought we would in that day. But I am learning to live into "partial solutions." Which is difficult for a perfectionist like me. So often I strive for the fully achieved goal (I'm even hesitant to post this blog, because I don't have time to comb back through it before Jack awakes from his nap...), but something is better than nothing.

Today, this is my partial solution. Writing here is better than not writing at all. Here I am, in full form, unedited, but it's better than nothing. Some days, that's all I can manage. And that's okay.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty darn good for unedited. I see few if any spelling, punctuation, grammar, or obvious style errors. Capitalizing "Mom" in the first sentence of the second paragraph caught my eye, but what the h*** do I know about being a mom? We'll let it go this time. :) :)

    As for 84 degrees ocean-side afternoons: bah and wahhh! It's been substantially colder than normal here. We've had snow. Some side roads are ice covered. If Grandma Mickey is unavailable, may I pinch hit?

