01 July 2019

Summer is Here!

I find myself over and over again wanting to freeze time because these moments are so sweet with Jack and they are just flying by way too quick! 

How I love this little guy and my days with him. I know that he won't remember everything (/anything) we are doing together, but that it is all adding up to building his character and who this little person is becoming... the fruit of which I will only (hopefully!) see later in life. I want to honor God with my time and my days and continually help Jack's development and leading him into the life I want for him - a life of adventure, laughter, reflection, and love for life/God/people.

One thing I love about time with Jack is that he consistently challenges me to pause and notice. The plane overhead, the bird on the tree, the little leaf in the grass. Babies are not caught up in the bigger picture, they seem to only take notice of the details. And whatever the detail is that they are fixated on is the most important detail of the moment. When I'm not with Jack, I find myself noticing these things because he has taught me to do so. I smile in these moments, reflecting on what Jack's reaction would be... and then I miss being with him when I'm away. He makes life more precious, more simple, and more joyful. Every single challenge is worth these moments of glory. He has the sweetest heart and the softest soul. He loves other children and is Mr. Social wherever we go, avidly trying to get everyone's attention through laughing and waving at them. Seeing his little personality shine through has got to be one of life's greatest joys! This summer is already one of the best yet.

He loves playing on our little TV tray
Jack loves the library! He pulls out every book... and then I restack them.
I can't wait for him to pick out books for us to read together!
Always waving. To everyone, everywhere we go. Good thing he's so cute and people love waving back!
I made Jack a birthday crown and he's unsure if he likes it. 
Soon-to-be ONE YEAR OLD!
Slowly weaning... we are down to 1 feeding a day. I intend to give him his last breastfeed on his birthday. He's become really cuddly and cute when he feeds, which is making it harder on me. But it's also so freeing. I can't believe I've been sustaining him with milk for almost a year! What a crazy journey. Hats off to all you mommas out there!
Jack's second visit to the zoo (his first visit is when he was a Babybaby... he loved the fish! Even though he was getting sleepy...

Little guy without his helmet looks so grown-up! I can't even handle it!
Its been really hot lately! We love going to parks and splash pads

It's hard to explain how much I love him. 

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