08 April 2013

One Coast to the Next

After a 2 week hiatus from winter via coastal escapades in California and Florida, today I officially return to real life, with a countdown of 59 days until summer break. My heart is so full of the best friends I got to spend time with in the past two weeks... and I'm also exhausted more than I ever thought I could be. How does that always end up happening on vacation?!

Bridesmaiding on the beach in FL.
My sweet Jackie, who is now Mrs Arnold!
My glimpse of sun & beach have caused my thoughts to drift over to summer... those lazy mornings and slow afternoons... to the taste of sweet freedom and the joy that comes with it. A friend told me recently that he thinks I am my best self over the summer... and I think that's probably true.

I usually hate countdowns because I feel that it takes away from the beauty in the day-to-day... But in this case, it's necessary. April then May then June, sweet June...

