08 June 2012


Maybe next year I'll be more organized... Maybe.

From our last day of school to packing up the classroom,
to in-services and meetings and end-of-year checklists, 
to cleaning and organizing and shelving and 
unloading, reloading... moving, storing, sorting...
and even... dare I say... 
planning for next school year,
these past few weeks have been a whirlwind.

End-of-Year notes.
Each year in June, I wonder - how can I do this again?! 
But in those last moments of sweet goodbyes, big hugs, & handwritten notes,
 I know it was all worth it. 
It was.

An empty classroom and worn out teacher.
It's what happens when the kids leave.
And summer helps bring that reminder, too ;)


  1. Oh Rebies! I am exhausted just looking at you on that table!! So happy that its summer time!! You impacted a class room of sweet little faces for the Kingdom and I believe the Lord is saying "Well done my good and faithful servant." Go play and soak up the sun!!

  2. Congratulations! I've measured much of my life in "school years," each one successfully completed a blessing, especially when I knew where I'd be the next school year, as it sounds like you do.

    Happy summer! Hope to see you soon!

