05 February 2012

Oh Food.

um yum. i wiiiish.
{via pinterest}

My friend Amy introduced me to a Cleanse she did to kickoff the new year, and of course I am easily motivated to try these things, so I decided to hop right in.... after subtly convincing Betsy & my mom to join me :) So together we join the plight against gluten, dairy, sweets, and caffeine for 11 days. It's a crazy combo of veggies + protein at every meal... and one that takes major self-control and discipline to maintain for a chocolate + coffee lover like me. (Confession: I'm 5 days in and miiight already be planning to make dark chocolate chip cookies Day 12. Shhhhh.)

I am realizing how much I rely on the stimulants in food to create energy in my life. Our bodies were not created to live on the caffeine hop of coffee, the tranquility of red wine, the  artificial sugar jumpstarts, or the wheat injected carb loads. Turns out, we gain more sustaining energy for the day on greens and grains and fresh protein (who knew?!)

Too often I plan my days looking forward to a good meal... or a latte after work... or cookies and hot chocolate before bed. Eliminating these perks throughout the day allows me to focus more on the nuances of life that I often miss in the rush towards the coffeepot and the food that numbs the mind to the soul. 

I've been introduced to new delicious and healthy recipes that make me want to slow down, sit, and enjoy a good meal. I am thankful for a few weeks to be more intentional with how I am treating my body, and allowing that to play into other areas of my life. 

So goodbye lime chip tostitos, and hello kale chips. Let's do this.


  1. As I read this I currently am enjoying a lime chip tostito dipped in some delicious queso. (not really, but I will later cus I can). But I support you!

    1. ahhh you tease you tease. i'm craving a lime chip more than anything. or perhaps a jalapeƱo chip. that's my go-to post-cleanse!

  2. so proud of you for doing this! it is really crazy how much food can control our lives. food is good, but taking care of the bodies He gave us is even better :) food is our friend when we eat right!

  3. SO TRUE.
    it's all about eating right.
    crazy what an effect that has on life...!

  4. Very impressed by all of this! You are one disciplined chica!

    1. :) thanks jenny. don't be too impressed yet though... it's not over until Saturday and i am seriously craving some chocolate over here....

  5. i totally relate to your looking forward to special treats and yummy meals throughout the day. that's the hardest part for me to mentally overcome!

  6. kale chips!

    1. per recommendation of a lovely friend I know..... ;)

