29 February 2012

In the Kitchen

I never would've thought this a few years ago - or even a few months ago - but some nights there is nothing I would rather do more than cook in the kitchen. The blend of smells & spices; lovely tunes, an Anthro candle & wine; chopping veggies and humming away lost in pending thoughts just waiting their time to take form.

food can be so pretty.

I love cooking because I love seeing Something created from Nothing. 

With my Kindergartners, I often explain God making the world in this way: isn't it amazing that He created substance out of nothingness? 
And not just a minute and meaningless Something - the extraordinary beauty in this world, the intricate inner workings of humans, nature & animals working in the harmony and order He designed for the planet. It was all Him - each part of creation down to the minuscule & unseeable microorganisms - Him in His wondrous ways.

Mediterranean Chickpeas
< YUM >

Cooking directs my heart to Him. 
In the kitchen, even the smallest of small are important. Each step contributing to the whole has purpose - each flavor added, the time & minutes in the pan, the procedure in which you add ingredients. Sometimes even a few seconds can altar the end product. It all combines to create something so wonderful and delicious... that a lonely piece of garlic, or empty celery stalk, or plain oregano flake could never have done on its own. The little things are more than important - they can make or break.

Brother Lawrence (a newfound hero of mine...) gets it. He found the presence of God in the kitchen to be like a sanctuary: "The time of business does not differ with me from the time of prayer; and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great a tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament...” 

And I get it, too. 
It is these moments that I sense His gentleness and power and holiness and love in my life... and grace to borrow some time and taste the intricate flavors & rich indulgences of this world that are simply a shadow of HIM and His Kingdom.


  1. This is so insightful! I love your thoughts on the simple things. And those Mediterranean chickpeas look deeelicious!!

    1. thank you my jenny lee love.

      They were deeeelish! I should send you the recipe!

  2. I never thought the day would come either..So awesome that you love to cook now, Rebes. If you can cook as good as you can write then, wow.

    1. :) thanks mikey. yeah, cooking.... who would've ever thought?!

