11 December 2011

Feeling Festive

I awoke Friday morning to a dusting of snow across our street... Then I was 20 minutes late to work due to many [almost a bit dangerous] stops for photo-ops...

How is it that every year snow is just as surprising and beautiful as the last?!
Home on Newport.
Scraping the car... It all begins.
At work, our generous parents baked a room full of Christmas cookies for us! I may or may not have eaten 5 for lunch because, turns out, I can't say No to a cookie.

Fave? peanut butter hershey kiss cookies.
The whole weekend topped off with a cookie party with sweet friends.
Oh Christmas season... cookies, snow, friendships... What's not to love?!


  1. Wow, that scraper that Betsy has looks like an awesome super scraper!! I need one of those!! Love the Newport snow pic. It looks so cozy in there :)

