07 September 2010

Made for Greatness

Now that we are both recent grads finding our way in the world, Daniel and I have been committed to fighting the daily grind, and pouring over how to find purpose and life in the everyday. He sent me this quote the other day, and I am stirred:
"Our greatest fear as individuals and as a church should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."
- Tim Kizziar
Lately, our conversations evolve around discovering together the prompt in our souls towards something greater. We are seeing how this is more deeply a yearning for what IS great - the only that is great - Him alone.

[1992: Easter Baskets. I'm the bossy older sister, they are the adorable little brothers.]
[Notice: Daniel gets a bank. I get a pencil sharpener. What is this already showing us...???]

If there was ever any doubt - I know God is real when I look at my family. One of the most tangible blessings in my life has been growing up alongside my 2 younger [but not littler] brothers. They have shaped into the most insightful & hilarious & encouraging people in my life. We know each other in a way nobody else can - duh - because we inherited the family quirks, share silly growing-up stories, and dream big for our future lives: the family vacays, the home vids, the in's&out's of our dynamics.

{Me, Mikey, Daniel. This.is.us.}
And it only gets better. Now that we are all in our early-20's, have found a crazy home in Waco, TX, and are learning to navigate the post-college world, our relationships have reached a new level. Daniel & Michael's lives inspire me; they are not content with mediocrity, and they are sold out to Him. I find myself shamelessly bragging about them - how I see God written all over their lives - how He's using them to do something big, mobilize resources, stir our generation, create, design, and go DO. Life looks different to them, to us.

We know He has given us something special. What we do now matters. Having a heavenly mindset changes things. Hearing Him and where He has us is the only thing that will ultimately bring us happiness - the center of His Plan, not ours.

It is a gift to do life with family who have become best friends.


  1. Thanks Rebecca, it wasn't like reading flattery it was just like the truth about our family. Even if I feel abandoned by all else in this world, I know I will always have my siblings. You and Daniel are my backbone and have been solidifiers in my foundation my entire life. You are encouragers, affirmers, and I see Christ's Kingdom being dragged everywhere you walk.


  2. Rebes. I love this. Sometimes I find myself feeling the same about my clan, and it makes me cry. I've got a lot of feelings these days I guess. :) see you at brunchie.

  3. inspiring post. makes me want to dream bigger for my own fam.

