I remember this time last year. The feeling of being on the brink of something huuuge. Filled with purpose, direction, freedom. Starry eyes and optimistic hopes.
{Something about the contrast between blooming flowers and bare trees captivated me in this photo. Taken in spring 2010, Santander.}
1 year later I am back. An outsider looking in would notice I've returned to where I've started and it appears mundane. Too normal. Borrrrr.ing.
After coming alive while away, how do I find joy back in the life I fought to escape?
Luckily, last year's adventure has prepared me for now. For this. I'm learning that years do not exist as mutually exclusive moments. They build and build and build....
I know in my spirit I am on the cusp of something bigger than I see... I'm bringing who I was then to who I am now. I've returned to where I've started, but it's different. There's life for me here, and I'm finding it. Slowly.
I was asked the other day: What stirs your affections?
Since being back, I'm discovering identity doing what I love most. Going deeper with what I'm created for and what stirs my affections for Him. Last year paved the foundation in freedom to pursue what gives life to my spirit. Teaching, creative outlets, writing, discovering music, podcasts, Spanish language classes, literature of my choosing, cultural initiatives, investing in community.
My preschoolers' curiosity and personalities bring refreshment to my growing-old spirit. Life filters through their childlike lens, and I approach the world with a new taste of curiosity.I'm familiarizing myself with a city I've always walked, but never really known. Cruising the streets of Chicago feels invigorating. Dreams of an actual life here fill my mind; questions about where I'll be next give energy to the journey. A new home in my home.
{Making time for what I love. More photo work this fall.}
{Laughing is my favorite thing to do. Always. Thankful for life-giving friends who appreciate life's humorous intricacies.}
This year, He's given me time to discover how past years are significant when we use them to bring new meaning to where we are in the present.
What a difference a year can make.