17 October 2009


My roommates here have made it their new favorite hobby to help me adapt to Spanish life. Including:

{Whole, live fish in the grocery store.}

{Unrefrigerated, boxed milk... in our very small elevator.}

{Drink of Choice: Colimocho: half red wine/half coke.}

{Hit the town... Spanish disco style.}

{Out until 7:30 in the AM with roommates + friends}
Whatever it takes to be a Spaniard, ya know?


  1. That fish does not look alive goldstein, it just doesnt. I mean...

  2. I was going to go there too. I think she means "live" as in a "real, live fish" as opposed to, say, tuna in a can. Not _A_live, but live. I love reading your blog. Keep it coming. Glad you're loving life.

