19 April 2019

First Shopping Cart

There have been a few moments lately where I seem to be begging time to stand still.

Today was Jack's first day riding in the shopping cart. I know, I know --  9 months is a bit late to be a cart-riding amateur. Up until this point, I have loved carrying him in the Ergo carrier, feeling his little legs kicking beneath me and his hands grasping mine every few minutes. He would strain his neck to look up at me, just making sure I was still there, clueless to the fact that he was glued to me. Today I had a larger shopping trip to do, so I knew I needed a little extra space, which put him in the cart instead.

Something about him riding in the front of the cart drew more attention than normal to him (and his red hair!) that elicited constant comments and questions (who in your family has red hair?!) It seemed I couldn't walk down a single aisle without getting stopped for how cute he is! He laughed and giggled and smiled with his sneaky little close-mouth smile that he does these days -- and all the ladies knew him by name within minutes.

While this more than doubled my time in the grocery store, there was a moment when I realized this wouldn't be forever. Being stopped with our cute baby Jack is simply a season. It's one I will want to return to over and over again and will never get back. I am learning to take life a little slower these days and soak in these moments as part of the journey instead of being focused on my to-do list.

When I left the store, my cheeks hurt so much from smiling and laughing along with Jack. He seemed so proud of himself sitting up in the cart, and it made me think about all the new things in the world he will experience. Life itself is just beginning to unfold for him - the beauty, the grit, the challenge, the triumph. A deep sense of gratitude welled up in my body; I overflowed with so much love in my heart I felt like I was going to explode. I have always heard that there is nothing quite like this kind of love - mother to child - and I am only beginning to experience the depths of it in our days together. I am so so lucky to be his momma!

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