05 April 2016

One Thing I Am Learning

I've always had an idea of love - from the general musings of friends - that it's a daily choice; one to work for and try hard at, one that takes time and practice and discipline and intention. While there's no doubt all these angles are true- they have also slanted my idea of love. I have wondered and imagined what love might feel like - cringing at the idea of being forced to make such a difficult decision in life... hoping that maybe I would have the wisdom to make the right choice at the right time.

But when it comes to real love, the kind that comes when you see God alive in another human, the kind that gives without running out and challenges you to be better, I realize that "the choice" is not really a choice at all. It is more of a fact, a realization, a knowing. One that seems so obvious that to stand away from it would be denying truth itself.

In this way, I am now just beginning to peer over the surface of how deep God's love is for me... how unconditional and real and clear it is.

This is the evidence I know it's real... if it draws me deeper into Him, then that's the whole point.

How gracious and good of Him to give me this gift.

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