28 October 2014


Lately, I walk around with my jaw dropped in awe of the popping colors of orange and yellow that line the streets of Chicago. No matter how many Autumns I experience, the vibrancy of colors year after year does not get tiring or old. It causes me to consider how what we see here on earth is a mere shadow of what's to come, which brings me to worship a mysterious and unsearchable Creator. I am quickly distracted by that other than God, which funnels into an even deeper gratitude for the beauty of nature to help me return to Him.

Autumn leaves mid-change.
Embracing fall with my dear Texans - Candis & baby Will
Last week, I took a course on C.S. Lewis, in which my professor painted pictures through stories of the greatness of God, repeatedly positing the question: "What must God be like?" As I walk around campus and take in the season, I ask myself that question. In his infinite goodness and creativity, all of nature points to Him.


A weekend of fall in Denver with Mikey + Jillian!

1 comment:

  1. Well, how do you like it now? We're having indoor recesses up here, because it's so cold, and not too far north of GB the boys are ice fishing already. Bah...

