28 December 2012

In other news,

had 25 people over for Jessica's last dinner.
played mom all weekend with Ashley and the Scott children

got nostalgic with high school friends
cozy'ed up the lily
Christmas crafted over mimosas with friends
wore some tacky sweaters 
learned to knit 
ate way too many christmas cookies at our school's "cookie blizzard"
played with Jessica when she came back to Chi for a weekend 
got classy
partied with really awesome people
addressed, stamped, sealed some NYE invites

watched as the world did not end
from the 27th floor of the wit hotel
got classy again.
watched Daniel teach Mikey how to tie a bow tie 
witnessed Adam's epic baptism in Lake Michigan on Dec 22nd
then went to brunch
survived a snowstorm doing some winter running
did a new project for a new year in the lily with my dear roomie
Life sure happens fast. Wow.


  1. Mostly I am so impressed by your command of this relatively new medium: Les Blogs. The pictures, captions, the longer sections of text--they all work together beautifully.

    A lovely, lovely post!

    Happy New Year to you, the girls, The Lily!

    1. Hahaha - Thanks U Mark!
      I go in and out of the way I do my blog - I've written in this style in the past, too!

      Happy new year! Hope to see you soon :)

