03 December 2009

Until next year...

Today was my last day in 2009 with the niños, as I leave for the states on Tuesday! As I parted ways with the teachers/students, I was filled with mixed emotions. The way I have been knit into the community here tricks my mind into thinking I have been here forever; while at the same time, it has been such a rapid learning curve that 2.5 months has passed as though I just arrived! The kids are finally settling into the routine and are familiar with my lessons&songs... it feels strange to leave them at the moment I finally see improvement.

{field trip with the ninos to buy a turtle.}

{i had them make a Tree in Autumn from sponge-painted leaves... could have been disastrous, but actually turned out as an identifiable autumn tree.}
And yet, I am ready to leave. When I fly back stateside, it only feels right that I am returning to 2 homes: Waco & Chicago. In Waco, I will be greeted by besties and the nostalgia that comes with Baylor life; and in Chicago, the warmth of Christmas festivities and family. I am so lucky to return to so many loves... I feel like I am getting the best of both worlds this break.

When I hit the ground, it will be culture shock on a few different levels: 1. USA 2. Texas 3. My best friend's wedding!!! What a way to return... I am so excited!

...the loves i will see in Texas!}

1 comment:

  1. When you get home I will tap you on the head with a wand each morning and go over a calendar lesson and sing Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes so you'll feel like you're still in Spain!

    I LOVE these girls! Hi Friends! Rebecca loves you so much and I love you for loving her!

