As much as us Chicagoans love to complain (/brag) about our freezing conditions as we post screenshots and scarfed-up selfies to social media, at the root of it all we love winter. After enduring close to 22 winters here in the Chicago area, I know we love it mostly because we need it.
Snow just keeps on falling... |
While winter is about navigating snow trenches bundled in floorlength puffer coats and dinner conversations that merge into the ongoing February question "Why don't we live in California?", Chicagoans might not know it, but we crave this time that forces our bodies to stop. And if you've ever experienced a Chicago summer, you will readily agree that this city lives summer better than anyone else in the world. During those three long-awaited summer months, we run hard between the hundreds of free festivals, live music venues, and open patios that align our neighborhood streets. Winter allows us the stamina, builds the endurance, and produces Chicagoans that are simply geared towards playtime come May.
Snow leopard has no problem with winter. |
There is also something that unifies us in this city because we have braved the cold. When the first sign of buds appear and the beaches gradually become occupied, we realize we've been through something together… and survived. We made it to the other side. And holding onto that glimmer of hope of spring allows me to trust that I wouldn't trade these winter months for anything else. Of course, living in dreams of warmth always helps in this short month that somehow always feels like the longest...
Many of these days = survival. |